How can you ident ify
a co n st an t r at io
between y-values?
When you mul t i pl y each
y- value by t he same
const ant and get t he
next y-value, there is a
constant ratio between
the values.
Why is t he function
30 • 2X not 2 • 30x?
In an exponent i al
function, a is the starting
value and b is the
common rat io.
Suppose all the x-values in a table have a common difference. If all the y-values have a
common difference, then the table represents a linear function. If all of the y-values have
a common ratio, then the table represents an exponential function.
Id ent ifying Lin ear and Exp o nent ial Functions
Does the table or rule represent a linear or an exponential function? Explain.
-+ 1 +1 +1
8 0
1 2 3
O-i -3 -9 -27
Th e d i f f eren ce
between each
x- value is 1. 012
-1 -3 -9
x 3 x 3 x 3
Th e r at i o b et w een
each y- valu e is 3.
The table represents an exponential function. There is a common difference between
x-values and a common ratio between y-values.
0y = 3x
The rule represents a linear function. The independent variable x is not an exponent.
vJ|Gotlt? 1. Does the table or rule represent a linear or an exponential function?
a. b. y = 3 • 6 X
II 41 2 3
-1 1 3
^BS2B5BEv a l u a t i n g a n Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n ct i o n j j f R I D D E D RESPO N SE
Po p u l at i o n Gr o w t h Suppose 30 flour beetles are left undisturbed in a warehouse
bin. The beetle population doubles each week. The function / ( x ) = 30 • 2X gives the
population after x weeks. How many beetles will there be after 56 days?
f{x) = 30 • 2X
= 30 • 2s 56 days is equal to 8 weeks. Evaluate the function for x = 8.
= 30 • 256 Si m p l i f y t h e p o w er.
= 7680 Si m p l i f y.
After 56 days, there will be 7680 beetles.
Go t It? 2. An initial population of 20 rabbits triples every half year. The function
fix) = 20 • 3A gives the population after x half-year periods. How many
rabbits will there be after 3 yr?
454 Chapter 7 Ex p o n e n t s a n d Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s