In the Concept Byte after Lesson 6-1, you solved one-variable linear equations using
graphs and a graphing calculator. In the next example, you will write each side of
the equation as a function and graph the functions. The x-value where the functions
intersect is a solution.
So l v i n g O n e - V a r i a b l e Eq u a t i o n s
What is the solution or solutions of 2X = 0.5x + 2?
St e p 1 Write each side of the equation as a function equation.
/(x) = 2* and g(x) = 0.5x + 2
St e p 2 Graph the equations using a graphing calculator.
Use jq for f{x) and y2 for g(x).
How can you check
that the x-value is a
so l u t i o n?
Su b st i t u t e f o r x i n t h e
original equation. Make
sur e yo u use t h e sam e
x- val ue f or each inst ance
of x.
St e p 3 Use the CALC feature. Chose
INTERSECT to find the
points where the lines intersect.
Ihe solutions of 2X = 0.5x + 2 are about —3.86 and 1.45.
& Got It? 5. What is the solution or solutions of each equation?
a. 0.3* = 5 b. 1.25*= —2 x C. -(2*) = 4*-4
Lesso n Ch eck
Do y o u k n o w H OW?
Evaluate each function for the given value.
- /(x) = 6 • 2*forx = 3
- g(w) = 45 • 3W for w = — 2
Graph each function.
- y = 3*
4.^) —4(1)'
Do yo u UNDERSTAND? tg jf PRAcflcES
- Vocabulary Describe the differences between a
linear function and an exponential function. - Reasoning Is y = (-2)* an exponential function?
Justify your answer. - Error Analysis A student evaluated
the function /(x) = 34
for x = -1 as shown at the
right. Describe and correct the
student's mistake.
456 Ch a p t e r 7 Ex p o n e n t s a n d Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s