Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pull It All Together

To solve these
problems you
will pull together
many concepts
and skills th a t
you have studied
about exponents
and exponential
fu n ctio n s.

Co m p l e t i n g t h e Pe r f o r m a n c e Task
Look back at your results from th e Apply W hat You’ve L earned sections in Lessons 7-3,7-6,
an d 7-7. Use th e w ork you did to com plete th e following.

  1. Solve th e problem in th e Task D escription o n page 417 by determ ining w hich
    investm ent will earn Emilio m ore interest. How m u ch m ore interest will Emilio earn
    w ith th a t investm ent? Show all y o u r w ork a n d explain each step of your solution.

  2. Reflect Choose one of th e M athem atical Practices below a n d explain how you applied
    it in your w ork on th e P erform ance Task.
    MP 1: Make sense of problem s a n d persevere in solving them.
    MP 4: M odel w ith m athem atics.
    MP 7: Look for an d m ake use of structure.

On Yo u r Ow n
Kristi has $19,000 to invest. Reliable B ank is offering a 4-year CD w ith a 3.5% an n u a l interest
rate, c o m p o u n d ed sem i-annually (once every 6 m onths).
a. Kristi w ants to ea rn at least $2750 in total interest. C an she earn this m u ch w ith the
4-year CD from Reliable Bank? Explain.

b. Reliable Bank also offers a 6-year CD at th e sam e interest rate as th e 4-year CD. W hat
will be th e value of Kristi’s investm ent after 6 years if she chooses th e 6-year CD?

c | Ch a p t e r 7 Pu l l I t A l l To g e t h e r 473
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