Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7-5 Rat ional Exponent s and Radicals

Quick Review
If th e nth root of a is a real num ber, m is a n integer, a n d ™ is
in lowest terms, then a* = ffa and a" = 't/a™ = ( f f a )m.


Write the expression (8x)s in radical form.

(8x)s = 8^x5 = 2 V x

Write the expression V h 2 as a power with a rational
Vb2 = hi

Write each expression in radical form,

  1. m*i r--> 5 2. psrs^ i

  2. (36x4)2 54. (125x)3

5 5. (64)1x1 56. 253i (x2y)^
Write each expression as a power with a rational

  1. Vxy 58. V a

  2. V b 2 60. V x6} '9

  3. V81x2 62. Vx2y3

7-6 Exponent ial Functions

Quick Review

An exponential function involves re p eated m ultiplication
of an initial a m o u n t a by th e sam e positive n u m b e r b. The
general form of an exponential function is y = a • bx,
where a =f= 0, b > 0, and b + 1.


What is the graph of y = |5?

Make a table of values. G raph th e ordered pairs.

-2 501

-1 101

Evaluate each function for the domain {1,2,3}.

  1. f{x) = 4*

  2. y = 4 o ( |) *
    Graph each function.

  3. f(x) = 2.5*

  4. f(x) = | 3

  5. y = 0.01*

  6. fix) = 3 2

  7. y = 0.5(0.5)*

  8. y = 0.1*

  9. Biology A p o p u latio n of 50 bacteria in a laboratory
    culture doubles every 30 m in. The function
    pix) = 50 • 2* m odels th e population, w here x is the
    n u m b e r of 30-m in periods.
    a. H ow m an y b acteria will th ere be after 2 h?
    b. H ow m an y bacteria will th ere be after 1 day?

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