Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7-7 Exponent ial Growt h and Decay

Quick Review
When a > 0 and b > 1, th e function y = a • b* m odels
exponential growth. The base b is called th e growth
factor. When a > 0 and 0 < b < 1, th e function
y = a • b* m odels exponential decay. In this case the
base b is called th e decay factor.

The population of a city is 25,000 and decreases 1% each
year. Predict the population after 6 yr.

y = 25,000 • 0.99* Exponential decay function
= 25,000 • 0.996 Substitute 6 for x.
~ 23,537 Simplify.

The population will be ab o u t 23,537 after 6 yr.

Tell whether the function represents exponential growth
or exponential decay. Identify the growth or decay factor.

  1. y = 5.2 • 3X 73. / ( x ) = 7 • 0.32*

74.y=0.15(|)X 75. g(x) = 1.3( | ) x

  1. Finance Suppose $2000 is d ep o sited in an account
    paying 2.5% interest c o m p o u n d ed quarterly. W hat
    will th e acco u n t balance be after 12 yr?

  2. Music A b a n d perform s a free concert in a local
    park. There are 200 p eople in th e crowd at th e start
    of th e concert. The n u m b e r of people in th e crowd
    grows 15% every h alf hour. How m any p eople are in
    th e crowd after 3 h? R ound to th e n ea rest person.

7-8 Geomet ric Sequences

Quick Review
In a geom etric sequence th e ratio of any term to its
preceding term is a co n stan t value.

Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence.
2, 6 , 1 8 , 5 4 ,...

X 3 X 3 X 3
The com m on ratio of th e geom etric sequence is 3.
Write a recursive formula to represent the geometric
256, 64, 16, 4 ,...

Find the common ratio of each geometric sequence.

  1. 10, 20, 40, 8 0 ,...

  2. 1,10,100,1000,...

  3. 100, 20, 4, 0. 8 ,. ..

  4. 6561,2187, 729, 2 4 3 ,...

Write a recursive formula to represent the geometric

  1. 20, 60,180, 5 4 0 ,...

  2. 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0 .6 2 5 ,...

  3. 3, 12, 48,192,...

  4. 10,1,0.1,0.01,...

478 Ch ap t er 7 Ch ap t er Revi ew

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