Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ch ap t e r Test M athX L ® f o r School^
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Do y o u k n o w H OW?

Simplify each expression.

5m )

  1. c3y9c-1 c°

  2. 2y3*h2(2y1ihr4)6
    5. (1.2)5(1.2)—2

  3. ( 27 *72)3

  4. Write th e expression (Axf>- in radical form.

  5. Write th e expression as a pow er w ith a rational

Write a recursive definition for each geometric

  1. 10, 40,160, 6 4 0 ,...

  2. 25, 5, 1 , 0 .2 ,...

Simplify each expression. Write each answer in
scientific notation.

  1. (6 X 104) (4.8 X 102)

12 .1.5 X 107
5 X 10“

  1. Medicine The h u m a n body norm ally produces
    about 2 X 106 red blood cells p er second.
    a. Use scientific n o tatio n to express how m any red
    blood cells your body produces in one day.
    b. One p in t of blood contains ab o u t 2.4 X 1012
    red blood cells. How m any seconds will it take
    your body to replace th e red blood cells lost by
    donating one p in t of blood? How m any days?

Evaluate each function for x = -1,2, and 3.

  1. y = 3’5x

  2. f{x) = | • 4X

  3. f{x) = 4(0.95f

Graph each function.
1 7. y = i. 2 *

  1. Banking A custom er deposits $2000 in a savings
    acco u n t th a t pays 5.2% interest co m p o u n d ed
    quarterly. How m u c h m oney will the custom er have
    in th e acco u n t after 2 yr? After 5 yr?

  2. Automobiles Suppose a new car is w orth $30,000.
    You can use th e function y = 30,000(0.85)x to
    estim ate th e c a r’s value after x y e a r s.
    a. W hat is th e decay factor? W hat does it m ean?
    b. Estim ate th e c a r’s value after 1 yr.
    c. Estim ate th e c a r’s value after 4 yr.

Do y o u UN DERSTAN D?
2 1. E rro r A n alys is Find an d correct th e error in the
w ork show n below.

  1. Reasoning Show that V x 9 = x3 by rewriting yKx9
    in exponential form.

  2. W riting Explain w h en a function in th e form
    y = a • bx m odels exponential grow th a n d w hen it
    m odels exponential decay.

  3. Simplify th e expression ( )2 in two different ways.
    Justify each step.

  4. Reasoning Explain h o w y o u can use th e property
    for dividing pow ers w ith th e sam e b ase to justify the
    definition of a zero exponent.

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