Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e

St a n d a r d s Re v i e w


T I P S CfXqXR) (sYuYcYcYeXsXs)
Some questions on tests ask
you to solve problem s involving
exponents. Read th e sam ple
question at th e right. Then
follow th e tips to answ er it.

Look to elim inate answer
choices. You need to
square 4, so you can
eliminate A and B.

If th e side length of a square can be
rep resen ted by th e expression 4x2y 6,
w hich expression could rep resen t the
area of th e square?
(X) 2xy3
CD 8x4y 12
CD 16x4y 12
CO 16x4y36

Use properties o f exponents
to help you solve th e

Think I t Through
The side length of th e square is
4x2y 6, so th e area is (4 x 2y 6) 2.
Multiply the exponents when
you are raising a pow er to
a power.
(4x2y 6) ;. ^2x 2'2y6'2
16 x4y12
The correct answ er is C.

Vocabulary Builder
As you solve test items, you must understand
the meanings of mathematical terms. Choose the
correct term to complete each sentence.
A. The values of th e (independent, dependent) variable
are th e o u tp u t values of th e function.
B. T h e (base, exponent) of a pow er is th e n u m b e r th a t is
multiplied repeatedly.
C. A n u m b e r i n (scientific, standard) n o ta tio n is a
sh o rth an d way to write n u m b ers using pow ers of 10.
D. The (slope, y-intercept) of a line is th e ratio of the
vertical change to th e h orizontal change.
E. A system of two equations has exactly one solution if
th e lines are (parallel, intersecting) lines.

Se l e c t e d Re sp o n se
Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct
answer on your paper.

  1. Which expression is equivalent to ( 27x2 )s?
    CX> 2 7 Y Y 2 C D 3 V x
    CD 3YX2 CD 27YY

  2. Which equation has (2, - 6 ) and (- 3 , 4) as solutions?
    CD y = | x - 7 CD y = ~ \ x - 5
    CD y = 2x - 10 CD y = -2x - 2

  3. Which equation best represents the statement two
    more than twice a num ber is the n um ber tripled?
    CAC 2 + n = 3n CD 2(2 + n) = 3n
    CD 2n + 2 = 3n CD 2n + 2 = 3 + n

480 Ch ap t er 7 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l at i ve St an d ar d s Revi ew

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