Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co n st r u ct ed Re sp o n se

  1. W hat is th e area, in square units, of th e triangle below?

  2. Charles p u rc h ased 50 shares of a stock at $23 p er
    share. He p aid a $15 com m ission to his broker for the
    purchase. How m u ch m oney, in dollars, did h e spend
    for the p urchase an d com m ission com bined?

  3. W hat is the value of the expression ( f ^ ) 2?

  4. A designer tested 50 jackets in a clothing w arehouse
    a n d found th a t 4% of th e jackets w ere labeled w ith the
    w rong size. How m any jackets did th e designer find
    th at were labeled th e w rong size?

  5. If b = 2a - 16 and b = a + 2, w hat is a + bl

  6. Alejandro bought 6 notebooks a n d 2 b inders for
    $23.52. Cassie bought 3 notebooks an d 4 b inders for
    $25.53. W hat was th e cost, in dollars, of 1 notebook?

  7. Ashley surveyed 200 students in h e r school to find
    out w hether they liked m u stard or m ayo on a turkey
    sandwich. H er results are show n in th e diagram below.

W hat fraction of th e students surveyed liked m ustard
but n o t mayo? Write your answ er in lowest term s.

  1. A parallelogram h as vertices ( - 3 , 2), (0, 7), (7,7), an d
    (x, 2). W hat is th e value of x?

  2. The sum of six consecutive integers is 165. W hat are
    the six integers? Show your work.

  3. On April 1, 2000, th e day of th e 2000 national
    census, th e p o p u latio n of th e U nited States was
    281,421,906 people. This was a 13.2% increase from
    th e 1990 census. W hat was th e 1990 population
    of th e U nited States?

  4. W hat is th e eq u a tio n of th e g raph in stan d ard form?

Ex t e n d e d R e sp o n se

  1. A triangle is enclosed by th e following lines:
    x — y = —1
    y = 2
    —0. 4 x — y = -5.2
    a. W hat are th e coordinates of th e vertices of
    th e triangle? Use algebraic m eth o d s to justify
    your answers.
    b. Draw th e triangle using your answ ers in p a rt (a).
    W hat is th e area, in sq u are units, of the triangle?

  2. On Kids’ Night, th ere m u st be at least one child with
    every adult. The re sta u ran t h as a m axim um seating
    capacity of 75 people.
    a. Write a system of inequalities to re p resen t the
    constraints in this situation.
    b. G raph th e solution. Is it possible for 50 children to
    escort 10 adults to th e restaurant?

482 Ch ap t er 7 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e St a n d a r d s Re v i e w

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