Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Common Core Performance Task

Planning a G arden Plot
Each rectangular p lot in a com m unity garden consists of a planting area
su rro u n d e d by a b o rd e r of w ood chips. Kelly a n d R oberto each design a p lot for
th e com m unity garden. They use identical square flower b ed s in th eir plots, b u t
they design different borders, as show n below.

Roberto's Plan
1.5 ft

3ft 3ft
1.5 ft

Kelly's Plan

After som e discussion, Kelly an d Roberto decide to scrap th eir original plans an d
com bine their plots to m ake one larger rectangular plot. They p lan to place the
two x ft-by-x ft sq u are flower beds side by side to m ake a 2x ft-by-x ft flower bed,
centered inside a rectangular border. The area of th e n ew plot will equal th e sum
of th e areas of th e two original plots.

Task D escr i p t i o n
Draw an d label a sketch of th e new flower b e d a n d border. Include expressions for
the length an d w idth of th e new plot. Each expression m u st be a linear polynom ial
with integer coefficients.

Connecting the Task to the Math Practices
As you com plete th e task, y o u ’ll apply several S tandards for M athem atical

  • You’ll analyze th e polynom ials th a t describe Kelly’s an d Roberto's original
    plots. (MP 6)

  • You'll write an expression for the area of each of th e original plots. (MP 2 , 1

  • You'll write a n d factor an expression for th e area of th e n ew plot. (MP 7)

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