Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Reasoning The GCF of two n u m b ers p a n d q is 7. W hat is the GCF of p2 and q2?
    Justify your answer.
    i5) Challenge 42. a. Geometry How m any sides does th e polygon have? How m any of its
    diagonals com e from one vertex?
    b. A polygon has n sides. How m any diagonals will it have from one vertex?
    c. The n u m b e r of diagonals from all th e vertices is | [n- 3). Write this
    polynom ial in stan d ard form.
    d. A polygon has 8 sides. How m any diagonals does it have?

  2. Manufacturing The diagram shows a cube of m etal w ith a cylinder
    cut out of it. The form ula for th e volum e of a cylinder is V = irr2h,
    w here r is th e radius an d h is th e height.
    a. Write a form ula for th e volum e of th e cube in term s of s.
    b. Write a form ula for th e volum e of th e cylinder in term s of s.
    c. Write a form ula in term s of s for the volum e V of the m etal left
    after th e cylinder has b e e n removed.
    d. Factor your form ula from p a rt (c).
    e. Find Vin cubic inches for s = 15 in. Use v = 3.14.


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St a n d a r d i ze d Test Pr ep

  1. Simplify th e p ro d u ct 4x(5x2 + 3x + 7). W hat is th e coefficient of th e x2-term?

  2. W hat is th e slope of th e line th a t passes th rough CD?

  3. W hat is th e solution of the eq u a tio n Ix - 11 = 3?

  4. Simplify th e p ro d u ct 8x3(2x2). W hat is th e exponent?


  1. The expression 9x3 - 15x can be factored as ax(3x2 - 5).
    W hat is the value of a?

Mixed Review


Simplify each sum or difference.

  1. (5x2 + 4x - 2) + (3x2 + 7)

  2. (3x3 - 2x) - (8x3 + 4x)

See Lesson

  1. (4x4 - 3x2 - 1) + (3x4 + 6x2)

  2. (7x4 + 3x3 - 5x + 1) - (x3 + 8 x 2 - 5x - 3)

8 - 1.

Solve each inequality for y. Then graph the inequality. See Lesson

  1. 4x-5ysl0 54. 7x-2y<8 55. -3 y -x > 9

Get Read y! To p r e p a r e fo r Lesson 8-3, do Exercises 56-58.
Use the Distributive Property to simplify each expression. ^ See Lesson

  1. 8(x - 5) 57. -3(w + 4) 58. 0.25(6c + 16)



496 Ch ap t er 8 Polynomials and Factoring

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