Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
@ Common Core State Standards
K.A Rirt/ -\rY"»I/ -ilc A -AP R.A .1 Understand that polynomials form a
/V \U III piyillQ D I nom I U 15 system analogous to the integers, namely, they are
1 ' ^ closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and
multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
M P 1, M P 2, M P 3, M P 4, M P 7, M P 8

Objective To m ultiply two binom ials or a binom ial by a trinom ial

Y o u've g o t a
diagram. How
can you use it to
create expressions
fo r the width and
fo r the length?

Get t i n g Read y!

A park has a rectangular dog run with length 30 ft
an d w i d t h 2 0 f t. T h e p ar k s d ep ar t m en t w an t s t o
expand each end o f each sid e o f t h e dog run by
the same amount x. What will be the total area of
the expanded dog run? Justify your reasoning.



X 30 ft

mathematical Essent ial Und er st and ing There are several ways to find th e p ro d u c t of two
PRACTICES binomials, including models, algebra, and tables.
O ne way to find th e p ro d u c t of two binom ials is to u se a n area m odel, as show n below.

This m odel shows
th a t ( 2 x + 1 )(x + 2 )
can be w ritte n in
standard form as
2x 2 + 5x + 2.

You can also use th e D istributive P roperty to find th e p ro d u c t of two binom ials.

X2 X2
XX 1
XX 1

x + 2

  • 2 x + 1

Is th e p ro d u c t o f tw o
polynomials always
a polynom ial?
Yes. The set o f polynom ials
is dosed under
multiplication, which
means that multiplying
polynom ials always gives
you a n o ther polynom ial.

Using the Distributive Propert y
W hat is a sim p le r fo rm o f (2x + 4)(3x - 7)?
(2x + 4)(3x - 7) = 2x(3x - 7) + 4(3x - 7)
= 6x2 - 14x + 4(3x - 7)
= 6x 14x + 12x - 28
= 6x2 - 2x - 28

Go t I t?

Distribute the second factor, 3x - 7.
Distribute 2x.
Distribute 4.
Combine like terms.

  1. W hat is a sim pler form of (x - 6)(4x + 3)?

Ch ap t er 8 Pol yn om i al s and Factoring
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