Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
What information
do you need
before you can
fin d th e o th e r tw o
side lengths?


ig R ead y!

A packaging company sells two kinds o f boxes
Box A and Box B. The company is designing
a new box, Box C, that will have the same
volume as Boxes A and B
combined. Suppose one
dimension of Box C is x.
W h at could be th e o th e r
two dimensions? Explain
your reasoning. r 3x + 7

Objective To factor higher-degree polynomials by grouping

MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP 4, MP 7

Fact o r i n g b y Gr o u p i n g

@ Common Core State Standards
A-SSE.A.1a Interpret parts o f an expression, such
as terms, factors, and coefficients. Also A-SSE.A.1b,

Lesson ^
fa c to rin g by

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g Some polynomials of a degree greater than 2 can
be factored.
In Lesson 8-6, you factored trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c by rewriting bx as a
sum of two monomials. You then grouped the terms in pairs, factored the GCF from
each pair, and looked for a common binomial factor. This process is called factoring by^
grouping. You can extend this technique to higher-degree polynomials.

How should you
group the terms of
the polynomial?
First g ro u p th e tw o term s
with the highest degrees.
If that doesn't w ork, try
a n o th e r g ro u p in g. Your
g oal is to fin d a com m on
binomial factor.

Fact o r i n g a Cu b i c Po l y n o m i al

What is the factored form of 3 « 3 — 12n2 + 2n — 8?

3n3 - 12n2 + 2n - 8 = 3 n\n - 4) + 2(n - 4) Factor thaGCF of eachg ro u p o f t w o te rm s.

= (3n2 + 2){n - 4) Factor out the common factor n - 4.
Check (3n2 + 2 ){n - 4) = 3 n3 - 12 n2 + 2n - 8

Go t I t? J. a. What is the factored form of 813 + 14f2 + 201 + 35?
b. Reasoning How is the factoring method used in Problem 1 like
the method used in Lesson 8-6? How is it different?

C | Lesson 8-8 Fact oring by Gro up ing 529
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