Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Factor completely.

  1. 8p3 — 32p2 + 28p — 112

  2. 6q4 + 3 q3 - 24q2 - Y2q
    23. 3w4 - 2ie3 + 18ie2 - 12ie
    26. 36f3 - 126v2 + 48u - 168

^ See Problem 2.

  1. 5g4 - 5g3 + 20g2 - 20g

  2. 4d3 - 6d2 + 16d - 24

Find expressions for the possible dimensions of each rectangular prism.

  1. /------------------------------------------ 71 2 9.

See Problem 3.

  1. Carpentry A trunk in the shape of a rectangular prism has a volume of
    6x3 + 38x2 — 28x. What expressions can represent the dimensions of the trunk?

Q Apply Factor completely.

  1. 9f3 — 90f2 + 144f

  2. 8m 3 + 32 m2 + 4 0m + 160
    32. 60y4 - 300y3 - 42y2 + 210y
    34. 10p2 - 5pq - 180 q2

  3. Error Analysis Describe and correct the error made in factoring completely.



  1. Open-Ended Write a four-term polynomial that you can factor by
    grouping. Factor your polynomial.

  2. Art The pedestal of a sculpture is a rectangular prism with a volume
    of 63x3 — 28x. What expressions can represent the dimensions of the
    pedestal? Use factoring.

a. Factor (20.x3 - 5x2) + (44x - 11).
b. Factor (20x3 + 44x) + ( - 5 x 2 - 11).
c. R e a s o n in g Why can you factor the same polynomial using different pairs
of terms?
Writing Describe how to factor the expression 6x5 + 4x4 + 12x3 + 8x2 + 9x + 6.
Think About a Plan Bat houses, such as the one at the right, are large
wooden structures that people mount on buildings to attract bats.
What expressions can represent the dimensions of the bat house?

  • Into how many factors should you factor the expression for
    the volume?

  • What is the first step in factoring this expression?

5 3 2 Chapter 8 Po l y n o m i al s an d Fact o r i n g

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