Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co n st r u ct ed Re sp o n se

  1. Suppose b = 2a - 16 and b = a + 2. What is the
    value of al

  2. A student's score on a history test varies directly with
    the number of questions the student correctly answers.
    A student who correctly answers 14 questions receives
    a score of 70. What score would a student receive for
    correctly answering 15 questions?

  3. You bought a candlestick holder for $11.78 and several
    candles for $.62 each. You spent a total of $18.60. How
    many candles did you buy?

  4. An artist is making a scale model of a
    ladybug for an insect museum. What
    is the length in millimeters of the
    actual ladybug that the artist is using
    to make this model?

[-►180 c m -*-|
Scale: 15 cm = 1 mm

  1. A flagpole casts a shadow that is 9.1 m long. At the
    same time, a meter stick casts a shadow that is 1.4 m
    long. How tall is the flagpole in meters?

  2. What is the seventh term in the following sequence?
    81, 27, 9, 3,1, ...

  3. Suppose you have $200. Sweaters cost $45 each. What
    is the greatest number of sweaters you can buy?

  4. How many whole-number solutions does the
    inequality \x — 5| < 8 have?

  5. Line m passes through (-9 ,4 ) and (9, 6). What is the
    y-intercept of line ml

  6. You made a graph to model
    the height of a tree each year
    since you planted it.
    Suppose the tree had been
    5 ft tall when you planted it.
    How tall would the tree be in
    6 yr? Assume its growth rate
    did not change.

0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (yr)

  1. A laundromat charges $2.25 to wash one load of
    clothes and $1.75 to dry one load. The machines
    accept only quarters. To wash and dry one load of
    clothes, how many quarters would you need?
    26. The formula for the area A of a trapezoid is
    A = \h(bl + b2), where h is the height of the
    trapezoid and bl and b2 are the lengths of its
    two bases.

Suppose the height of a trapezoid is x - 2. The lengths
of the bases are x + 2 and 3x - 2. What polynomial in
standard form represents the area of the trapezoid?
Show your work.

  1. A monthly subway pass costs $60. A one-ride ticket
    costs $1.80. You plan to ride the subway to school and
    back for 21 days this month. How much more money
    would you spend to buy one-ride tickets than to buy a
    monthly pass? Show your work.

  2. Write a system of inequalities for the graph.

  3. Write the expression V 8a2 using rational exponents.

  4. Simplify the expression (3x - 5)(2x + 5).

Ex t e n d e d Re sp o n se

  1. You sell hot dogs and sodas at basketball games. Each
    hot dog costs $1.50 and each soda costs $.50. At one
    game, you made a total of $78.50. In all, you sold 87 hot
    dogs and sodas.
    a. Write a system of linear equations to solve the
    b. How many hot dogs did you sell? How many
    sodas did you sell?

  2. If A(2,1), B(5, 4), C(8,12), and D(5, 9) are the
    coordinates of the vertices of a quadrilateral, verify
    that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

542 Chapter 8 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l at i v e St an d ar d s Re v i e w

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