Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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Quad r at i c

unctions and


Ch ap t er Pr ev i ew
9-1 Q u ad ratic Graphs and T heir Properties
9-2 Quadratic Functions
9-3 Solving Q uadratic Equations
9-4 Factoring to Solve Quadratic Equations
9-5 Com pleting the Square
9-6 The Quadratic Formula and the
9-7 Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential
9-8 Systems of Linear and Quadratic

BIG ideas
1 F u n c t i o n
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n What are the
characteristics o f q u ad ratic fu n ction s?
2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s a n d I n e q u a l i t i e s
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n How can you solve a
quadratic equation?
3 M o d e l i n g
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n How can you use
fu n c tio n s to m o d e l real-w orld situ a tio n s?

English/Spanish Vocabulary Audio Online:

axis o f symmetry, p. 546 eje de simetria
completing the square,
p. 576 c o m p le ta r el cuadrad
discriminant, p. 585 discriminante
maximum, p. 547 valor maximo
minimum, p. 547 valor minimo
parabola, p. 546 parabola
quadratic equation, p. 561 ecuacion cuadratica

quadratic formula, p. (^582) form ula cuadratica
quadratic function, p. (^546) funcion cuadratica
ro o t o f an equ a tio n , p. (^561) rafz de una ecuacion
vertex, p. (^547) vertice

  • Seeing Structure in Expressions

  • Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

  • Interpreting Functions

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