Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Solving Q uadratic


Co m m o n Co r e St at e St a n d a r d s
A-REI.B.4b Solve quadratic equations by inspection
(e.g., f o r x 2 = 49), taking square ro o ts... Also
A-APR.B.3, A-CED.A.1, A-CED.A.4
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP 4, MP 7

Objective To solve quadratic equations by graphing and using square roots

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Get t i n g Read y! ___ x C A

Make sense of the
units. T h e units fo r
le n g th , d e p t h ,a n d
width need to be
th e sam e.

The diagram shows a plan for your new garden.
You w ant to use only 1.5 y d 3 of topsoil and plan
to spread a layer 4 in. deep. W h a t are th e
dimensions o f th e la rg es t garden you can build?
How do you know?

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PRACTICES -jpg situation in the Solve It can be modeled by a quadratic equation.

Lesso n i

  • stan d ard form
    of a quadratic

  • root o f an

  • zero o f a fu n ction

Key Concept Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is an equation that can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0,
where a ¥= 0. This form is called the standard form of a quadratic equation.

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g Quadratic equations can be solved by a variety of
methods, including graphing and finding square roots.
One way to solve a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is to graph the related
quadratic function y = a x 2 + bx + c. The solutions of the equation are the
x-intercepts of the related function.

1 y
To solve
y2 _ a — n

(^0) i /
(^1) i
/i x
...........„lt ............. ... / X
A quadratic equation can have two, one, or no real-number solutions. In a future course
you will learn about solutions of quadratic equations that are not real numbers. In this
course, solutions refers to real-number solutions.
The solutions of a quadratic equation and the x-intercepts of the graph of the related
function are often called roots o f th e e q u a tio n or zeros o f th e function.
c | Lesso n 9- 3 So l v i n g Q u a d r a t i c Eq u a t i o n s 561

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