Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesso n Ch eck
Do yo u k n o w H OW?
Name the subset(s) of the real numbers to which each
number belongs.

  1. VlT 2. -7

  2. Order |g, 4.1, -5 , and Vl6 from least to greatest.

  3. A square card has an area of 15 in.2. What is the
    approximate side length of the card?


@ 5. Vocabulary What are the two subsets of the real
numbers that form the set of real numbers?

  1. Vocabulary Give an example of a rational number
    that is not an integer.

Reasoning Tell whether each square root is rational or
irrational. Explain.

  1. VlOO 8. V(I29

^ Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises

Practice Simplify each expression.

  1. V36 10. VI69

14 V I 15.

  1. V l 6


Estimate the square root. Round to the nearest integer.

  1. Vl7 20. V35 21. V242
    12. V900
    17. VL96
    22. V 6 l

See Problem 1.
13 A / M
V 49

  1. V(L25

See Problem 2.

  1. V320

Find the approximate side length of each square figure to the nearest whole unit.

  1. a mural with an area of 18 m 2

  2. a game board with an area of 160 in.2

  3. a helicopter launching pad with an area of 3000 ft 2

Name the subset(s) of the real numbers to which each number belongs.
27. o^2 -,0 ,0 OO^19

  1. -2.38
    28. 13
    33. 457317
    29. -1
    34. Vl44

30, 100

  1. VTT3

Compare the numbers in each exercise using an inequality symbol.

  1. 5§,V29 38. -3 .1, -^16 39. I V2

  2. -jy , -0.63 42. VT15,10.72104 ... 43. -§, -0.8

Order the numbers in each exercise from least to greatest

  1. -2, V5, 2.4 46.

  2. tt, 3, V 8 , 2.9, V 7 49. -2.1,

3, V 3l, VIT, 5.5, -| y

See Problem 3.

  1. TT

  2. f

See Problem 4.

  1. 9.6, V96

  2. V184, 15.56987 ...

See Problem 5.

  1. -6 , V20, 4.3, —y^59

(^50) aw- —— —0 3 v T — — - 6 , o. a, v r , 13, g
20 Ch ap t er 1 Fo u n d at i o n s f o r A l g e b r a

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