Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Find the discriminant and the solution of each equation in parts (a)-(c). If
    necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.
    a. x2 — 6x + 5 = 0 b. x2 + x — 20 = 0 c. 2x2 — 7x — 3 = 0
    d. Reasoning When the discriminant is a perfect square, are the solutions rational
    or irrational? Explain.
    Challenge 46. Reasoning The solutions of any quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are
    -b + \Zb2 - 4 ac , —b — V i?2 - 4ac
    25 and 25---------’
    a. Find a formula for the sum of the solutions.
    b. One solution of 2x2 + 3x — 104 = 0 is -8. Use the formula you found in part (a)
    to find the second solution.

(^R eason ing For each condition given, tell whether o x 2 + bx + c = Owill
always, sometimes, or never have two solutions.

  1. b2 < 4ac 48. b2 = 0 49. ac < 0

St a n d a r d i ze d Test Pr ep


, R e s p o n s e

  1. What are the approximate solutions of the equation x2 — 7x + 3 = 0?
    CD -6.54, 0.46 CD -6.54, -0.46 CD -0.46, 6.54 CD 0.46, 6.54

51. Which of the following relations is a function?
C D {(1,2), (3, 5), (1,4), (2,3)}
C D {(-5 , 6), (0, 9), (—1, 2), (0, 6)}

C D {(8, 2), (6, 3), (6,11), (-8 , 2)}
CD {(-1 , 3), (7, 3), (-7 , 2), (4, 5)}

  1. What equation do you get when you solve 3a - b = 2c for bl
    CD b = —3a + 2c C D b = 3a — 2c CD b = 3a + 2c CD b = —3 a - 2c

  2. What are the approximate solutions of the equation - v2 — |x + 1 = 0? Use a
    graphing calculator.
    CD 1-07, 2.77 CD 1-16, 2.59 CD 0.87,10.38

  3. Suppose the line through points (n, 6) and (1,2) is parallel to the graph of
    2x + y = 3. Find the value of n. Show your work.

CD 0.19,16.01

Mixed Review


Solve each equation by completing the square.

  1. s2 — 10s + 13 = 0 56. m2 + 3m = —2

Get Read y! To p r e p a r e f o r Lesso n 9 - 7 , d o Ex e r c i se s 5 8 - 6 1.
Graph each function.

  1. y = 2 x 59. y = 3x 60. 3 / = ( 3 ) ^

See Lesson 9-5.

  1. 3w2 + 18m —1 = 0

^ See Lesson 7-6.

588 Ch ap t e r 9 Quadratic Functions and Equat ions

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