Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l a t i v e

St a n d a r d s Re v i e w


Some questions on standardized
tests ask you to describe how
changing an equation affects
its graph. Read the sample
question at the right. Then
follow the tips to answer it.

You may w ant to sk etch
th e graphs of both
equations and com pare
th e graphs.

How would the graph of y = x2 - 1 change
if the equation became y = x2 + 21
C7T) The graph would shift 3 units down.
C O The graph would shift 3 units up.
C O The graph would shift 2 units down.
C O The graph would shift 2 units up.

Think about w hat operation
you would u se to change
y = x 2 - 1 to y = x 2 + 2.

Think I t Through
To change the equation
y = x2 - 1 to y = x2 + 2, you
add 3 to the expression x2 - 1:
y = X2 - l + 3 = X2 + 2
Adding 3 to the constant term of
a quadratic function causes the
graph to shift 3 units up.
The correct answer is B.

Vocabulary Builder
As you solve test items, you must understand
the meanings of mathematical terms. Choose
the correct term to complete each sentence.
A. The (vertex, axis o f symmetry) is the highest or
lowest point of a parabola.
B. Two distinct lines are (parallel, perpendicular)
if they have the same slope.
C. The (domain, range) of a function is the set of
all possible values for the input, or independent
variable, of the function.
D. A (proportion, rate) is an equation that states
that two ratios are equal.
E. A(n) (quadratic, exponential) function is a
function of the form y = ax2 + bx + c.

Se l e ct e d Re sp o n se
Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct
answer on your paper.

  1. Manuela can type about 150 words in 4 minutes.
    At this rate, about how long will she take to type
    2000 words?
    C O 10 minutes
    CO 50 minutes

CO 75 minutes

  1. The graphs of
    y = —7 x + 12 and
    y = — 2 2 3 X — 3 are shown.
    Which region describes
    the solutions of the
    system of inequalities
    y £ — 7x + 12 and

C O Region A
CO Region B

CO Region C
CO Region D

608 Ch ap t er 9 Co m m o n Co r e Cu m u l at i v e St an d ar d s Rev i ew

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