Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Rad ical Ex p r essio n s

and Equat ions

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Ch ap t e r Pr ev i ew
10-1 The Pythagorean Theorem
10-2 Sim plifying Radicals
10-3 Operations W ith Radical Expressions
10-4 Solving Radical Equations
10-5 Graphing Square Root Functions
10-6 Trigonom etric Ratios

BIG ideas
1 E q u i v a l e n c e
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n How are radical
expressions rep resen ted?
2 Fu n ct i o n s
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n What are the
characteristics o f sq u are root fu n ction s?
3 Solving Equations and Inequalities
Esse n t i a l Q u e st i o n How can you solve a
radical e q u a tio n?

Math definitions
in English and

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English/Spanish Vocabulary Audio Online:

conditional, p. 675 condicional
conjugates, p. 628 valores conjuqados
extraneous solution, p. 635 solucion extrana
hypotenuse, p. 674 hipotenusa
like radicals, p. 626 radicales sem ejantes
Pythagorean Theorem,
p. 614 Teorema de Pitaqoras
radical expression, p. 619 expresion radical
square root function,
p. 639 funcion de ralz cuadrada
trig o n o m e tric ratios, p. 645 razones trig o n o m e trica s


  • R easoning w ith Equations and Inequalities

  • Interpreting Functions

  • Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry

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