Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ch al l en g e

  1. Firefighting When firefighters are trying to put out a fire, the rate at which they
    can spray water on the fire depends on the nozzle pressure. You can find the
    flow rate/in gallons per minute using the function / = 120 Vp, where p is the
    nozzle pressure in pounds per square inch.
    a. Graph the function.
    b. What nozzle pressure gives a flow rate of 800 gal/min?

  2. Error Analysis A student graphed the function y = Vx — 2 at the
    right. What mistake did the student make? Draw the correct graph.

  3. Think About a Plan The velocity v in meters per second of a
    2,000,000-kg rocket is given by the function v = V B, where E is
    the rocket's kinetic energy in megajoules (MJ). When the rocket’s
    kinetic energy is 8,000,000 MJ, what is its velocity?

  • How can you use a graph to solve the problem?

  • How can you check your answer?

Make a table of values and graph each function.

  1. y = Vx - 2.5 45. /(x) = 4 V x

  2. y=V0J5x 48. y = Vx - 2 + 3

  3. y = V2x + 3 51. y = V2x+6+ 1
    46. y = Vx + 6
    49. /(x) = V x + 2 - 4
    52. y = V3x - 3 - 2

  4. The graph of x = y2 is show n at th e right.
    a. Is this th e graph of a function?
    b. How does x = y2 relate to th e square root function y = Vx?
    c. Reasoning W hat is a function for th e p a rt of th e graph th a t is show n in
    Q uadrant IV? Explain.

  5. Reasoning W ithout graphing, d eterm in e w hich graph rises m ore steeply,
    y = V 3 x or y = 3 V x. Explain your answer.

Graph each function by translating the graph of y = Vx.

  1. y = Vx + 4 —1 56. y= Vx+ 1 + 5

  2. y = Vx - 3 - 2 58. y = Vx - 6 + 3

  3. y = Vx + 2.5—1 60. y= Vx - 4.5 + 1.5

61. a. Graph y = V j? + 5.
b. W rite a function for th e graph you drew th a t does n o t require a radical.

  1. In p arts (a)-(d), graph each function.
    a. y = V ix
    b. y = V5x
    c. y = V 6 x
    d. y = V —6x
    e. Reasoning D escribe how th e graph of y = V n x changes as th e value of
    n v a r ie s.


Po w erAlg eb [ L e s s o n 1 0 - 5 Grap h in g Sq u are Ro o t Funct io ns 643
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