Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
t ) G o t It? 4. In a right triangle, th e side opposite LA is 8 m m long an d th e h ypotenuse is
12 m m long. W hat is th e m easure of LAI

You can use trigonom etric ratios to m easure som e distances indirectly. To m easure such
distances, it is often convenient to use an angle o f elevation or an angle o f depression.
An angle of elevation is an angle from the
horizontal up to a line of sight.

      • J Angle of depression
        Angle of e le v a tio n ']'

An angle of depression is an angle from the
horizontal dow n to a line of sight.
W hen you solve real-w orld p roblem s using
trigonom etric ratios, you often n e e d to
ro u n d your answers. The problem m ay tell
you how to round. Otherwise, ro u n d your
answ ers to th e precision of th e m easu rem en ts u sed in th e problem. For instance, if the
problem has m easu rem en ts to the n ea rest 10 ft, ro u n d your answ er to the n ea rest 10 ft.

EH353DUsing an Angle of Elevation or Depression
Ri d es Suppose you are waiting in line for a ride. You see your friend at
the top of the ride. How far are you from the base of the ride?


150 f t

Whi c h r a t i o s h o u l d
you use?
You know the length
of the opposite leg and
want to find the length
of the adjacent leg. Use
the tangent ratio.

ta n 20° =

opposite leg
adjacent leg
ta n 20° = —
x ( ta n 20°) = 150
x = 150
x ~
x = 410

tan 20°

Use th e ta n g e n t ratio.

Substitute 150 and x from the diagram.
M u ltip ly each side by x.
Divide each side by tan 20°.
Use a calculator.
Round to the nearest 10 ft.

You are ab o u t 410 ft from th e base of th e ride.

G o t It? 5. After you m ove forw ard in th e line, th e angle of elevation to th e top of the
ride becom es 50°. How far are you from th e base of th e ride now?

648 Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Eq uat io ns
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