Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the value of x to th e n e a re s t degree. S e e Problem 4.


  1. Geology From an observation p o in t 20 ft from th e base of a geyser, the
    angle of elevation to th e top of th e geyser is 50°. How tall is th e geyser?
    ^ 2 ) 35. Architecture The w heelchair ram p show n is being p lan n ed
    for a new building. The ram p will rise a total of 2.5 ft and
    form a 3° angle w ith th e ground. How far from th e base of
    the building should th e w heelchair ram p start?
    Apply @ 36. a. Find th e values of each p air of expressions.
    i. sin 80°, cos 10° ii. cos 25°, sin 65°
    b. W hat do you notice ab o u t your values a n d th e angles in each pair?
    c. Reasoning Explain why your results m ake sense.

  2. Writing D escribe h o w y o u can find th e length of th e h y p o ten u se of a right triangle
    if you know th e m easure of one of the acute angles an d th e length of th e leg
    adjacent to th a t angle.

  3. Think About a Plan A b o at is passing betw een two
    towers, as show n in th e diagram. How far does th e boat
    n e e d to m ove to be in the m iddle of the channel?

  • How far is th e center of th e b o at from each tower?

  • W hat is th e distance from th e base of a tow er to the
    middle of the channel?

Find the value of each variable in each figure to the nearest

See Problem 5.

  1. a. Aviation A pilot is flying a plane at an altitude of 30,000 ft. The angle of
    depression from th e p lan e to th e start of an airp o rt runw ay is 1°. How far is th e
    plan e from th e start of the runway, in horizontal distance along th e ground?
    b. W hat is your answ er to p a rt (a) in miles?

650 Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Eq uat io ns

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