Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ch ap t er Rev i ew

Connecting S IG ideas and Answering the Essential Questions

1 E q u i v a l e n c e
Radical expressions can be
represented in many ways.
To sim p lify a square root,
factor out perfect squares
from the radicand.

Simplifying Radicals
(Lesson 10-2)
VU = V4 • V3 = 2 V 3

Operations With Radical Expressions
(Lesson 10-3)
V5 • V10= V50 = 5V2

2 F u n c tio n s
Square root functions contain
a va riable in th e radicand.
The parent square root
fu n c tio n is y = Vx.

Graphing Square Root Functions
(Lesson 10-5)
Graph o f the
parent square
root function

1 y
1 X
of 2

3 S o lv in g E quation s
and Inequalities
To isolate th e va riable in a
radical equation, first isolate
the radical and then square
both sides.

Solving Radical Equations
(Lesson 10-4)
2x= V4x + 3

Ch ap t er V o c a b u l a r y
1 an gle o f depression (p. 648)
angle of elevation (p. 648)
conclusion (p. 615)
conditional (p. 615)
conjugates (p. 628)
converse (p. 616)
cosine (p. 645)

extraneous solution (p. 635)
hypotenuse (p. 614)
hypothesis (p. 615)
leg (p. 61 4 )
lik e r a d ic a ls (p. 6 2 6 )
Pythagorean Theorem (p. 614)
radical eq u a tio n (p. 633)

  • radical e x p ressio n (p. 619)

  • ra tio n a lize th e d e n o m in a to r (p. 622)

  • sin e (p. 645)

  • sq u are root fu n ction (p. 639)

  • ta n g e n t (p. 645)

  • tr ig o n o m e tr ic ratios (p. 645)

  • u n lik e radicals (p. 626)

Choose the correct term to complete each sentence.

  1. Sine, cosine, a n d tan g en t are ?.

  2. A(n) J_ is an ap p a ren t solution th a t does n o t m ake th e original eq u a tio n true.

  3. The radical expressions 2 V 3 an d 3 V 2 contain

  4. You J_ of a radical expression by rew riting it w ith o u t radicals in th e denom inator.

  5. The radical expressions 5 + V 5 an d 5 — V 5 are J_.


Po w er A l g eb r m | C h a p t e r 1 0 Ch ap t er Review 653
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