Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Rev i ew er s National

Tammy Baumann
K-12 M athe m a tics C o o rd in a to r
School District of the City
o f Erie
Erie, Pennsylvania

Sandy Cowgill
Mathematics Department Chair
Muncie Central High School
Muncie, Indiana

Sheryl Ezze
Mathematics Chairperson
DeWitt High School
Lansing, M ichigan

Dennis Griebel
Mathematics Coordinator
Cherry Creek School District
Aurora, Colorado

Bill H a rrin g to n
Secondary Mathematics
State College School District
State College, Pennsylvania

Michael Herzog
Mathematics Teacher
Tucson Sm all S chool Project
Tucson, A rizo n a

Camilla Horton
Secondary Instruction Support
Memphis School District
Memphis, Tennessee

Gary Kubina
Mathematics Consultant
Mobile County School System
Mobile, Alabama

S haro n Liston
Mathematics Department Chair
Moore Public Schools
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Ann M arie Palmeri Monahan
Mathematics Supervisor
Bayonne Public Schools
Bayonne, N ew Jersey

Indika Morris
Mathematics Department Chair
Queen Creek School District
Queen Creek, Arizona

Jennifer Petersen
K-12 M ath e m a tics C urriculum
Springfield Public Schools
Springfield, Missouri

Tammy Popp
Mathematics Teacher
Mehlville School District
St. Louis, M is s o u ri

Mickey Porter
Mathematics Teacher
Dayton Public Schools
Dayton, Ohio

Steven Sachs
Mathematics Department Chair
Lawrence North High School
Indianapolis, Indiana

John Staley
Secondary Mathematics
O f fic e o f M a th e m a tic s , PK-
Baltimore, M aryland

Robert Thomas, Ph.D.
Mathematics Teacher
Yuma Union High School
District #
Yuma, A rizona

Linda Ussery
Mathematics Consultant
Alabama Department of
Tuscumbia, A labam a

Denise Vizzini
Mathematics Teacher
Clarksburg High School
Montgomery County,

Marcia White
Mathematics Specialist
Academic Operations,
Technology and Innovations
Memphis City Schools
Memphis, Tennessee

Merrie Wolf
Mathematics Department Chair
Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa, O klah o m a
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