Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co m m o n Co r e Pe r f o r m a n c e Ta sk

Packaging Lunches

Sandra’s Deli is a very p o p u lar lu n ch spot in th e dow ntow n area. After a great
deal of planning, S andra decides to sell two of th e m ost p o p u lar types of lunches
boxed in a co n tain er m ad e of cardboard lined w ith alu m in u m foil. She will first
sell th e boxed lunches at h e r deli, an d if things go well she w ould like to sell them
in grocery stores.
Sandra is deciding on th e dim ensions to use for th e new
lu n ch box. She sketches th e rectangular box show n in the
diagram at the right. She n eed s the box to h old 355 in.3.
I h e cardboard lined w ith alum inum foil is expensive,
so Sandra w ants th e box to use th e least a m o u n t of
cardboard possible.



Task D escr i p t i o n
Find th e dim ensions S andra should use for th e lunch box. R ound th e dim ensions
to th e n ea rest h u n d re d th of an inch.

Connecting the Task to the Math Practices

As you com plete th e task, you'll apply several S tandards for M athem atical

  • You’ll write expressions to m odel the surface area a n d volum e of the box in
    term s of its dim ensions. (MP 4)

  • You’ll rewrite an expression for th e surface area in an equivalent form. (MP 2)

  • You’ll use a graphing calculator to analyze a function for the surface area, an d
    relate your results to th e original context. (MP 2, MP 5)



Po w er A l g eb r m | Chap t er 11 Rational Expressions and Functions^663
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