Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Simplifying Rational


Objective To simplify rational expressions

Common Core State Standards
Prepares fo r A-APR.D.7... add, subtract, multiply,
and divide rational expressions.
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, M P 4

Get more volume
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fi " Getting Ready!

Which box uses less cardboard per cubic
inch o f space inside it? J u s tif y your
answ er. (Hint: How would comparing a box's
su rfa c e a re a to its volume help you answer
this question?)

<«► X C


MATHEMATICAL p o ly n o m ia l
PRACTICES An expression of th e form po|ynoiT^iai is a rational expression.

Lesso n

  • rational
    excluded value

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g The sim plified form of a rational expression is like
th e simplified form of a num erical fraction. The n u m era to r an d d en o m in ato r have no
com m on factor o th er th a n 1. To simplify a rational expression, divide out com m on
factors from the n u m era to r an d denom inator.
Like a num erical fraction, a rational expression is u n d efin e d w h en the d en o m in ato r
is 0. A value of a variable for w hich a rational expression is u n d efin ed is an
excluded value.

Should you use the
simplified form to
find excluded values?
No. You must check the
original expression to see
which values o fx make
the denominator 0.

Pr o b l em 1 Simplifying a Rational Expression

What is the simplified form of 5x _JC^1 5? State any excluded values.

x — 1 x — 1
5x - 5 5(x - 1) Factor the denominator. The num erator cannot be factored.

Divide o ut the common factor x - 1.

The d en o m in ato r of th e original expression is 0 w h en x = 1. The sim plified form
is w here x # 1.

L < 9 G o t It? 1. W hat is th e simplified form of th e expression? State any excluded values.
a.21a k 18ri2 c 2» — 3 j 26c3 + 91c
7 a 3 4<2+8^6 n —^9

664 Chapter 11 Rat io nal Expressions and Funct ions

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