Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Objectives To m ultiply an d divide rational expressions
To sim plify co m p le x fractio n s

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' Getting Ready!

Solve a simpler
problem. U se a
value fo r x t o
understand w hat
is g o in g on.

In the figure a t the right, the diameter of the
sphere is equal to th e edge length x o f th e cube.
W hat p erce n t of th e cube's volume is tak en up by
the sphere? Justify your reasoning.


Lesso n
com plex fraction

M any problem s require finding pro d u cts a n d q uotients of rational expressions.

Essential U nderstanding You can m ultiply a n d divide rational expressions
using th e sam e properties you use to m ultiply a n d divide n um erical fractions.

If a, b, c, and d re p re s e n t p o ly n o m ia ls (w h ere b Y 0 and d + 0), th e n § * | = ■

Are products of
rational expressions
defined for all real
No. The products may
have excluded values.
In part (A), the excluded
value is 0. In part (B), the
excluded values are 0
and - 3.

Problem 1 Multiplying Rational Expressions
What is the product? State any excluded values.


Multiply numerators and multiply denominators.

= —i r a Simplify.

The p ro d u ct is w here a ± 0.

f l - T — 7. x — 5
x jc + 3
x — 7 x - 5 _ (x - 7)(x - 5) Multiply numerators and multiply denominators,
x x + 3 x(x + 3) Leave the product in factored form.
(x — 7)(x — 5)
The p ro d u c t is — v(J+" 3 )— ’ w h e r e x + 0 and x # -3.

% G o t It? 1. W hat is th e product? State any excluded values.

@ C om m on C ore State Standards
1 A 11 * | *_______ J r\!. * Jt_-. A-APR.D.7... add, subtract, multiply, and divide
Multiplying Qnd LxlVlding rational expressions.
I. MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP 4, MP 7
Rational Expressions

670 Chapter 11 Rat io nal Expressions and Funct ions

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