Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Have you solved
a similar problem
Yes. In Problem 4, you
found the quotient of
tw o rational expressions.
You simplify this complex
fraction in the same way,
but first write it as a

A complex fraction is a fraction th at contains one or m ore fractions in its num erator,
in its denom inator, or in both. You can simplify a com plex fraction by dividing its
numerator by its denominator.

Any com plex fraction of th e form - 3 - (w here b + 0, c A 0, and d + 0) can be expressed
as ab. ‘ cd’^ d

Simplifying a Complex Fraction
What is the simplified form of ~x + 3?

x - 2
x + 3
x2 - 4

1 .x + 3
x — 2 x2 - 4

1x2 - 4
x - 2 x + 3
1 ( x + 2 ) ( x — 2 )
x - 2 x + 3
1 (x + 2 ) ( x ^ 2 j
]X -^ 2 x + 3
x + 2
x + 3

xz - 4

Write as a quotient.

Multiply by the reciprocal.


Divide out the common factor x - 2.


G o t It? 6.W hat is th e sim plified form of q +^4
2 ,7-

Lesso n Ch eck

Do you kn o w HO W?


1 — • —
5t t 5


3.k^2 + k.
5fc ' 15fc2

4.^8 x -^12 x 4 - ( 4 x 2 - 9)

Simplify each complex fraction.


a 2 + 2 a - 8
3 a
a ~F 4
a - 2
X2 + 6x
x + 6



  1. Reasoning Are th e com plex fractions — an d —
    equivalent? Explain. C —c

  2. C o m p a r e a n d C o n t r a s t How are multiplying rational
    expressions a n d m ultiplying num erical fractions
    similar? How are they different?

  3. Reasoning Consider that | -r- ^ | Why must it
    be tru e th a t b ¥= 0 , c =h 0 , a n d d =£ 0?

  4. a. Writing Explain how to multiply a rational
    expression by a polynom ial,
    b. Explain how to divide a rational expression by
    a polynomial.


Po w er A l g eb r m Lesson 11-2 Multipjying and Djviding Rational Expressions 673
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