Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Multiply or divide,

  1. t2 + 5t +^6
    53.^7 12 -^281
    212 - 5 f - 12

55.x + x —^6

. 6t2~ t~ 15
49f 3

t —2t — 3
t2 + 3t+2

5x + 6



c 4- 3c + 2. c + 2
c2 — 4c + 3 ' c — 3
5 x 2 + lO x — 15. 2 x 2 + 7 x + 3
5 — 6x + x 2 4x — 8x — 5

x2 - x — 6 xz + 4x + 4 56. x2 — 4x

x + x — 20
x2 + lOx + 25

Loan Payments The formula below gives the monthly payment m on a loan as
a function of the amount borrowed A, the annual rate of interest r (expressed
as a decimal), and the number of months n of the loan. Use this formula and a
calculator for Exercises 57-60.

m = >(e )(i + n )"

  1. W hat is th e m onthly paym ent on a lo an of $1500 at 8% an n u a l interest paid
    over 18 m onths?

  2. W hat is th e m onthly pay m en t on a loan of $3000 at 6% an n u a l interest paid
    over 24 m onths?

  3. Think About a Plan Suppose a family w ants to b uy th e h ouse
    advertised at th e right. They have $60,000 for a dow n paym ent. Their
    m ortgage will have an an n u a l interest rate of 6%. The loan is to be
    repaid over a 30-yr period. How m u ch will it cost th e family to repay
    this m ortgage over the 30 yr?

  • W hat inform ation can you o btain from th e form ula above?

  • How can you use th e inform ation given by th e form ula to solve
    the problem?

  1. Auto Loans You w an t to p u rc h ase a car th a t costs $18,000. The car dealership
    offers two different 48-m onth financing plans. The first p lan offers 0% interest for
    4 yr. The second p lan offers a $2000 discount, b u t you m u st finance th e rest of the
    p u rc h ase price at an interest rate of 7.9% for 4 yr. For w hich financing p lan will your
    total cost b e less? How m u ch less will it be?

Se a r c h H o m es
518 Main St.
4 Bedroom 2 Bath

•< Usting 2 of 35

  1. Error Analysis In the w ork show n at th e right,
    w hat error did th e stu d en t m ake in dividing the
    rational expressions?

  2. Open-Ended W rite two rational expressions.
    Find their product.

  3. Reasoning Forwhatvaluesofxisthe
    2 x
    expression 6x
    Explain your reasoning.

5x — 12. — 3x — 12
x - 16 undefined?

I ^ Lesson 11-2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 6 7 5
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