Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Adding and Subtracting

Rational Expressions

Objective To ad d an d subtract rational expressions

Common Core State Standards

... add, subtract, multiply, and divide
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP 4

f| j Getting Ready! x C

Each dog eats part
of the dog food in
a bag ev ery day.
The question is
how to m ake th e
parts add up.


T h re e dogs all e a t th e same dog food. The number of days it ta k e s
each dog to finish one bag o f food is shown below. How many bags of
food will it ta k e to fe e d all th r e e dogs f o r two weeks? Explain.

Time to Finish a Bag of Dog Food



Scruffy Oscar Gus

Essential U nderstanding You can use the sam e rules to ad d an d subtract
rational expressions th at you use to ad d an d subtract n um erical fractions.

You can add the n u m erato rs of rational expressions w ith like denom inators. If a, b, and
c r e p r e s e n t p o l y n o m i a l s ( w i t h c =A 0), th e n § + f =

Once you are
comfortable adding
rational expressions with
like denominators, you
can add the numerators
and simplify all in one

Adding Expressions W ith Like Denominators
What is the sum?
□ — + —+ 3y
4 7 _ 4 + 7
3}' 3y 3 y
_ 11
n 3r , x

Add the numerators.

Simplify the numerator.

'x - 2
3x +

x - 2
X 3x + x
x — 2
x — 2

* G o t It? 1. W hat is the

Add the numerators.

Simplify the numerator.

sum3a - 4 3a — 4 ‘^2 a^3 a

684 C h a p t e r 11 Rat io nal Expressions and Funct ions

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