Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
For fix) - 8x,g(x) = and h(x) = xt 5, perform the indicated operation.

Example fix) + g(x) = 8 x + \ = 8x • f = 8x2

  1. fix) + g(x) 46. f{x) • gix) 47. g(x) - h{x) 48. h(x) + fix)

Challenge Simplify each complex fraction.

1 4

x y

MP 2
Look back at the diagram of th e lu n ch box on page 663. In p art (d) of th e Apply
W hat You've L earned in Lesson 11-1, you found a n expression in term s of x for
th e surface area of th e lu n ch box.
a. W hat is th e least com m on d en o m in ato r for th e two term s of your expression for the
surface area of th e lu n c h box?
b. W rite the expression for the surface area of th e lu n ch box as a single rational


Po w er A lg eb r m Lesson 11-4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
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