Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Solve e a ch e q u a tio n. C heck y o u r so lutions.




2 r
r — 4
s- 1

2 =

+ 1 =

r + 5

34 r + 1 = C _|— 1 —
r — 1 3 r - 1


5 -
s + 3 —2 s
3s + 2 2s - 4 3sz - 4s - 4



d________ 2 _ d + 6
d + 2 2 - d d 2 - 4

w + 2 w — 3 u — u — 6

  1. Think About a Plan Two pipes fill a storage ta n k w ith w ater in 9 h. The sm aller pipe
    takes th ree tim es as long to fill the ta n k as th e larger pipe. How long w ould it take
    th e larger pipe to fill th e ta n k alone?

    • What variable should you define for this situation?

    • In term s of your variable, w hat fraction of th e ta n k is filled in 1 h by th e larger
      pipe alone? By the smaller pipe alone?

  2. Running You take 94 m in to com plete a 10-mi race. Your average speed during the
    first half of th e race is 2 m i/h greater th a n your average sp ee d during th e second
    half. W hat is your average speed during th e first half of th e race?

  3. a. Graphing Calculator W rite two functions using th e expressions on th e two sides
    1 (x + 7)2
    of the equation 73+ 1 -. G raph th e functions.
    b. W hat are the coordinates of th e points of intersection?
    c. Reasoning Are th e x-coordinates of th e points of in tersectio n solutions of the
    equation? Explain.

(U S ) Electricity Two lamps can be connected to a battery in a circuit in series or in
parallel. You can calculate the total resistance RT in a circuit if you know the
resistance in each lamp. Resistance is measured in ohms (fl). For a circuit connected
in series, RT = Rx + R2. For a circuit connected in parallel, /[ = TT'

  1. The lam ps are co n n ected in series.
    RT = 20 O. Find R2.
    /?! = 5 a



  1. The lam ps are co n n ected in parallel.
    RT — 12 Cl. Find R2-
    /?, = 30 n
    hW vV n


A/vVW -J

1 I 1 I 1 I 1


  1. Travel A p lan e flies 450 m i/h. It can travel 980 m i w ith a tailw ind in th e sam e
    am o u n t of tim e as it travels 820 m i against th e wind. Solve th e equation
    45q8° - = 45828 s to find th e speed s of the wind.

{5^ Challenge 45. Window Washing Sumi can w ash th e windows of an office building in | the tim e
it takes h er apprentice. One day they worked on a building together for 2 h 16 min,
a n d th e n Sumi con tin u ed alone. It took h e r 4 h 32 m in m ore to com plete the job.
How long w ould it take h e r apprentice to w ash all th e w indow s alone?

696 Chapter 11 Rat io nal Expressions and Funct ions

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