Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Why is the
interquartile range
It represents the middle
of the data set, so it
is not affected by the
minimum, maximum, or
any outliers.

Pr o b l em 2 Making a Box-and-Whisker Plot
Agricult ure The table at the right shows the
amount of crops harvested in the United States
for a certain period. What box-and-whisker
plot represents the data?

Cr o p s H ar v e st e d

A set of data

|N eec^^^_„
A box-and-whisker plot

314 10

Pl an..
Find the minimum, maximum, and quartiles of the data.
Use these numbers to make the box-and-whisker plot.
Sour ce: U.S. D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u ltu re
St e p 1 Order the data to find the minimum, maximum, and quartiles.
303 307 311 312 314 314 314 315 316 316 321
ft f t t
minimum Qt median (Q2) $3 maximum

St e p 2 Draw the box-and-whisker plot.

Cr o p s H ar v e st e d ( m i l l i o n s o f acr es)
Pl o t t h e m i n i m u m ,
quartiles, and
maximum below
a n u m b er l i ne.


300 305 31

i i

> <

320 325

  • -------------«

Draw a box f rom Q, t o Q3. Draw a
vertical line t hrough the median.
Draw line segment s f rom t he box
to the minimum and maximum.

& G o t It? 2. What box-and-whisker plot represents the following monthly sales, in
millions of dollars, of audio devices: 15 4 9 16 10 16 8 14 25 34?

Pr o b l em 3 Interp reting Bo x -an d -W h isk er Plots
Weather Use the box-and-whisker plots below. What do the interquartile ranges tell
you about the average monthly rainfall for each city?

H 1 h

Average Monthly Rainfall (in.)
—f— l— l— l— l— I— I— l— f - H 1 h

New Orleans, LA •-----------------
Sour ce: National Climatic Data Center

The box for Miami is longer, so Miami has the greater interquartile range.
This greater range means the middle 50% of Miami’s monthly rainfalls vary more widely
than those of New Orleans.

748 Ch ap t er 12 Dat a A n al ysi s an d Pr o b ab i li t y
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