Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Go t I t? 3. There are 6 students in a classroom with 8 desks. How many possible
seating arrangements are there?

A combinat ion is a selection of objects without regard to order. For example, if you are
selecting two side dishes from a list of five, the order in which you choose the side
dishes does not matter.

Key Concep t Combination Notation

The expression nCr represents the number of combinations of n objects chosen
r at a time.
r = w!
n r r\(n-r}\

Ex a m p l e 8C2 2[(8 _ 2), 2!g, ^ #. 5. 4. 3. 2. i) 28n 8! 8! _8-7-6-5’4»3-2-l

Do yo u u se a
permutation or a
combi nat ion?
The order of the people
on the jury does
not matter, so use a

Using Com b inat i on Not at ion
Multiple Choice Twenty people report for jury duty. How many different 12-person
juries can be chosen?

(3D 20 CD 240 CD 125,970 CD 479,001,600
You need the number of combinations of 20 jurors chosen 12 at a time. Find 20 ^ 12 -
20! 20!
2°Cl2 12!(20 — 12 )! 12! 8! Write using factorials.^
= 125,970 Sim plify using a calculator.
There are 125,970 different 12-person juries. The correct answer is C.

* Got It? 4. In how many different ways can you choose 3 types of flowers for a bouquet
from a selection of 15 types of flowers?

Lesso n Ch eck
Do yo u k n o w H OW?
Find the value of each expression.

  1. 7! 2. 13! 3. 6P3

  2. 10P4 5. 5C3 6. 7C3

  3. How many outfits can you make with 6 shirts and
    4 pairs of pants?

@ 8. V o c a b u l a r y Would you use permutations or
combinations to find the number of possible
arrangements of 10 students in a line? Why?
© 9. Compare and Contrast How are permutations and
combinations similar? How are they different?
©10. Reasoning Explain why nCn is equal to 1.

rPo w er A l g eb r m ^ Lesso n 12- 6 Per m u t at i o n s an d Co m b i n at i o n s^765
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