Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses

1^ 1 Pract ice


  1. Telephones A seven-digit telephone number can begin with any digit 4P See Problem 1.
    except 0 or 1. There are no restrictions on digits after the first digit.
    a. How many possible choices are there for the first digit? For each digit after the
    first digit?
    b. How many different seven-digit telephone numbers are possible?

  2. Use the diagram and the Multiplication Counting Principle to find each
    of the following:
    a. the number of routes from A to C
    b. the number of routes from A to D

  3. Sport s In an ice-skating competition, the order in which competitors skate is ^9 Se e Pr o b l e m 2.
    determined by a drawing. Suppose there are 10 skaters in the finals. How many
    different orders are possible for the final program?

  4. Phot ography Suppose you are lining up with 4 cousins for a photo. How many
    different arrangements are possible?

Find the value of each expression.


16- 9 P 3
21. 6P1




18- 8p5

23- iop2

49 See Problem 3.

  1. VP 97r 2

  2. 12P9

  3. Reading You have 10 books on your bookshelf. In how many orders can you read
    4 of the books on a summer vacation?

  4. Student Government A student council has 24 members. The council is selecting
    a 3-person committee to plan a car wash. Each person on the committee will have
    one task: one person will find a location, another person will organize publicity,
    and the third person will schedule volunteers. In how many different ways can
    3 students be chosen and given a task?

Find the value of each expression.

  1. 6C6 28. 5C4

  2. 3C0 33. 8C6
    29. c A
    34. 7 C 5
    30. 7 C 2
    35. 10C9

Se e

31- 8^5
36- 15 C 4

  1. Law For some civil cases, at least 9 of 12 jurors must agree on a verdict. How many
    combinations of 9 jurors are possible on a 12-person jury?

  2. Gift Cert ificat es For your birthday you received a gift certificate from a music store
    for 3 CDs. There are 8 CDs you would like to have. How many different groups of
    3 CDs can you select from the 8 you want?

  3. Quilting There are 30 fabrics available at a quilt store. How many different groups
    of 5 fabrics can you choose for a quilt?

766 Ch ap t er 12 Data Analysis and Probability

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