Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses ^ pr a c t ic e^



The spinner at the right is divided into six equal parts. Find the ^ See Problems 1 and 2.
theoretical probability o f landing on the given section(s) of
the spinner.

  1. P(blue) 11. P(white) 12. P(5) 13. P(n o t less th a n 3)

  2. P( 8 ) 15. P(even) 16. P(not2) 17. P (less th a n 5)

  3. P(not green) 19. P(notred) 20. P (e v e n or o dd) 21. P (g re ater th a n 4)

Use the spinner at the right above. Find the odds. See Problem 3.

  1. odds in favor of even n u m b e r 23. odds against 2 24. odds against a factor of 6

  2. odds against green 26. odds in favor of blue 27. odds in favor of a m ultiple of 5

The results o f a survey of 100 random ly selected students at a See Problem 4.
2000-student high school are shown at the right. Find
the experim ental probability that a student selected at
random has the given plans after graduation.

  1. P(community college)

  2. P(4-year college)

  3. P(trade school)

  4. P(not trade school)

  5. P (trade school or com m unity college)

  6. A park h as ab o u t 500 trees. You find th a t 27 of 67 random ly ch o sen trees are oak See Problem 5.
    trees. A bout how m any trees in th e entire p ark are likely to be oak trees?

  7. Error Analysis A sp in n er has 3 red an d 5 b lue sections of equal size. A friend says
    th e odds in favor of spinning blue are 3 : 5. D escribe a n d correct the error.

3 5. T h in k A b o u t a Plan The U nited States has a lan d area of a b o u t 3,536,278 m i2.
Illinois has a land area of ab o u t 57,918 m i2. W hat is th e probability th a t a location
in the U nited States chosen at ra n d o m is n o t in Illinois? Give your answ er to the
nearest te n th of a percent.

  • How can you solve this problem using th e co m p lem en t of an event?

  • H ow do you w rite a fraction as a percent?

  1. Transportation O ut of 80 w orkers surveyed at a com pany, 17 w alk to work.
    a. W hat is th e experim ental probability th a t a random ly selected w orker at th at
    com pany walks to work?
    b. Predict ab o u t how m any of th e 3600 workers at th e com pany walk to work.

  2. Open-Ended Suppose your te a c h e r chooses a s tu d e n t at ra n d o m from your
    algebra class. W hat is th e probability th a t a boy is n o t selected?
    @ 3 8. R easo ning The odds in favor of Event A are equal to th e odds against Event A.
    W hat is th e probability of Event A? Explain.

'lLl,T| Lesson 12-7 T heoretical and E xperim ental P ro b a b ility | 773
v —- V — -------------------

Plans for A fte r Graduation
----- ---


Number of
Go to com m unity college 24
Go to 4-year college 43
Take a year o ff before college 12
Go to trade school 15
Do not plan to go to college 6
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