Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Football The stem -and-leaf plot at the right shows the difference
b etw een the points scored by the winning and losing team s in

Difference Between Winning 1
and Losing Super Bowl Scores 1
the Super Bowl during one 20-yr period.
0 1 3 3 3 3 4 7 7

  1. Find the probability th a t th e w inning team w on by less th an 10 1 2 3 4 5 7
    10 points. 2 3 7 7

  2. Find th e odds th at th e w inning team w on by 10 to 15 points. 3

  3. Find the probability th at th e w inning team w on by m ore th a n^4

I _ 5

20 points. Key: 1 10 means 10 points

0 Challenge 42. Reasoning The odds in favor of choosing a red m arble from a
bag of red an d blue m arbles are 7 : 3. W hat is the probability of
choosing a blue m arble? Explain.

Geometry U se the figure at the right. Assum e that the white square is
centered in the large square. If you randomly ch oose a point inside the
figure, what is the probability that it will b e in the region described?

  1. P(red)

  2. P(not blue)
    44. P(blue)
    46. P(green or white)


St a n d a r d i ze d Test Pr ep

  1. W hat is th e m ed ian of the following class sizes: 29, 31, 28,25, 27,33, 33, 26?
    C3D 28 CD 28.5 CD 29 CD 33

  2. If y = 10 w hen x = 5, an d y varies inversely w ith x, w hich equ atio n relates x an d y?


CD xy = 5 dD y =^50 X CD xy=2 <D y:

  1. A basketball team has 11 players. How m any different 5-player groups can the
    coach choose to play during a gam e? Show your work.

Mixed Review

Find the num ber of perm utations or com binations.

  1. 7P 4 51. 3P3 52. 6P 2

Get Read y! To p r e p a r e f o r Lesso n 1 2 - 8 , d o Ex e r ci se s 5 5 - 5 9

  1. gCj

Find each union or intersection. Let J = {4, 5,6, 7 }, K = {1,4,7,10}, and
L = {jc | x i s an even w hole num ber less than 12}.

  1. / UK 56. / n L 57. / U L 58. L Cl K

^ See Lesson 12-6.
5 4. 5C 4

See Lesson 3-8.

  1. K U L

774 Ch ap t er 12 Dat a An al ysi s an d Pr o b ab i l i t y

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