Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Co n cep t Byt e

Use W ith Lesson 1 2-7

Co n d u ct i n g

Si m u l a t i o n s

Common Core State Standards
S -IC .B .5 Use data from a randomized experim ent to
compare tw o treatm ents; use simulations to decide if
differences betw een param eters are significant.
MP 5

A simulation is a m odel of a real-life situation. O ne way to do a sim ulation is to use
ran d o m n u m b ers g enerated by a graphing calculator or co m p u ter program.
On a graphing calculator, th e co m m an d RANDINT generates ra n d o m integers.
To create a list of ra n d o m integers, press The calculator will display
RANDINTt After th e parenthesis, type , a n d press repeatedly to
create ran d o m 1- an d 2-digit n u m b ers from 0 to 99.

Activity 1

About 40% of peop le in the United States have type A blood. Estimate the
probability that the next two p eop le w ho donate blood in a blood drive have
type A blood.

Step 1 To sim ulate this situation, let a 2-digit n u m b e r re p resen t 2 people. Use a
calculator to generate 40 ra n d o m 2-digit num bers, like th e exam ple at th e right.
S tep 2 Since ab o u t 40% of p eople in th e U nited States have type A blood, 40% of the
digits 0-9 can be u sed to rep resen t th ese people. Let 0 ,1 ,2 , an d 3 rep resen t
people w ith type A blood, an d let 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 , an d 9 re p resen t p eople w ithout
type A blood. So, th e 2-digit n u m b e r 53 re p resen ts one p e rso n w ithout
type A blood (the digit 5) an d one p erso n w ith type A blood (the digit 3).

Step 3 In the exam ple at th e right, the six n u m b ers in red rep resen t two consecutive
people w ho have type A blood. The o th er 2-digit n u m b ers have at least one
digit th a t represents a perso n of a blood type o th er th a n type A.

R(two consecutive p eople of blood type A)

25 71 47 46
66 13 63 36
21 59 27 07
83 25 72 24
73 52 59 81
14 09 40 64
81 72 02 38
21 0 9
92 10
number of times the event occurs
num ber of tim es the experim ent is done
= ^ = 0.15
Convert 1-digit
numbers like 9
into 2-d ig it numbers
by adding a leading
You can also sim ulate situations using o th er m ethods, such as rolling n u m b e r cubes,
spinning spinners, or flipping coins.
Activity 2
A cereal com pany has a prom otion in which 1 in every 6 boxes contains a m ovie ticket.
Step 1 Roll two n u m b e r cubes to re p resen t two boxes of th e cereal. Let 1 re p resen t a
w inning box an d let 2,3, 4, 5, a n d 6 re p resen t a n o n w inning box.
S tep 2 Record th e result. R epeat this process 30 tim es. Use your results to estim ate
the probability th a t b oth boxes contain a movie ticket.
( [ Co n cep t By t e Co n d u ct i n g Si m u l at i o n s^775

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