Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
@ Common Core State Standards
IlK / S-CP.B.7 Apply th e Addition Rule,
I l O D C I D I I I T y o r P(A or fi) = P(A) + P( B) - P(A and B) , and interpret

Compound Events

the answer in terms o f the model. Also S-CP.B.8
MP 1, MP 2, M P 3 , M P 4, M P 6

Object ives To find probabilities of m utually exclusive an d overlapping events
To find probabilities of in d e p e n d e n t an d d e p e n d e n t events

Artist Category Songs
Absolute Value Rock 10
Algebras Pop^12
Arithmetics Rock 6
FOILs Pop 5
Pascal's Triangle Country 12
Pi Rock^11

Start with a plan.
How many songs
are there?


f Getting Ready!

The portable music player at t he right
is set t o choose a song at random f rom
the playlist. What is the probability
that the next song played is a rock
so n g b y an a r t i s t w h o se n am e b eg i n s
with the let t er A? How did you find
your answer?

compound event
exclusive events
in d e p e n d e n t

In the Solve It, you found th e probability th at th e next song is b o th a rock song an d
also a song by an artist w hose n am e begins w ith the letter A. This is an exam ple of a
compound event, w hich consists of two or m ore events linked by th e w ord and or the
word or.

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You can write th e probability of a co m p o u n d event as
an expression involving probabilities of sim pler events. This m ay m ake the co m p o u n d
probability easier to find.
W hen two events have no outcom es in com m on, th e events are mutually exclusive
events. If A and B are m utually exclusive events, th e n P{A and B) = 0. W hen events
have at least one outcome in common, they are overlapping events.
You n ee d to determ ine w h e th e r two events A and B are m utually exclusive before you
can find P (A or B).

Key Concept Probability of A or 6

Probability of M utually Exclusive Events
If A an d B are m utually exclusive events, P{A or B) P(A) + P(B).

Probability of Overlapping Events
If A and B are overlapping events, P[A or B) = P[A) + P(B) — P[A and B).

776 Ch ap t er 12 Dat a An al ysi s an d Pr o b ab i l i t y

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