Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How many multiples
are there?
There are 10 multiples of
2:2,4, 6, 8,10,12,14,
16,18, and 20. There are
4 multiples of 5: 5,10,
15, and 20. There are 2
multiples of 2 and 5:10
and 20.

Mutually Exclusive and Overlapping Events
Suppose you spin a spinner that has 20 equal-sized sections num bered from 1 to 20.
0 What is the probability that you spin a 2 or a 5?
B ecause the sp in n er ca n n o t lan d on b o th 2 a n d 5, th e events are m utually exclusive.
P{2 or 5) = P (2) + P (5)

~20 + 20 Substitute.

=h =h simp|ify-

The probability th at you spin a 2 or a 5 is
0 What is the probability that you spin a num ber that is a m ultiple o f 2 or 5?
Since a n u m b e r can be a m ultiple of 2 an d a m ultiple of 5, such as 10, th e events
are overlapping.
P (multiple of 2 or multiple of 5)
= /’(multiple of 2) + P(m ultiple of 5) — ^(m ultiple of 2 and 5)

= i + Substitute.

= | § = § Simplify.
The probability th a t you spin a n u m b e r th a t is a m ultiple of 2 or a m ultiple of 5 is =.

Got It? 1. Suppose you roll a s tan d ard n u m b e r cube.
a. W hat is the probability th a t you roll an even n u m b e r or a n u m b e r less
than 4?
b. W hat is th e probability th a t you roll a 2 or an odd n um ber?

A stan d ard set of checkers h as equal n u m b e rs of red a n d black
checkers. The diagram at the right shows th e possible outcom es
w h e n random ly choosing a checker, p utting it back, an d choosing
again. The probability of getting a red on eith er choice is The
first choice, or event, does n o t affect th e seco n d event. The events
are independent.
Two events are independent events if th e occurrence of one event does n o t affect the
probability of th e seco n d event.

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Key Concept Probability of Two Independent Events

in d e p e n d e n t events, P{A and B) = P(A) • P{B).

If A and B arc

1st Choice



2nd Choice
Black Lesso n 12- 8 Pr o b ab i l i t y o f Co m p o u n d Even t s^777
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