Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pull It All Together

To solve these
problems you
will pull together
many concepts
and s kills th a t
you have studied
about data
analysis and

Completing the Performance Task
Look back at your results from th e Apply W hat You've L earned sections in Lessons 12-3,12-4,
an d 12-8. Use th e w ork you d id to com plete th e following.

  1. Solve th e problem in the Task D escription on page 725 by deciding w h e th e r the
    to u rn a m e n t should be h eld in Oakville or Fairview, a n d justify your decision. Show all your
    w ork an d explain each step of your solution.

  2. Reflect Choose one of th e M athem atical Practices below an d explain how you applied
    it in your w ork on th e P erform ance Task.
    MP 3: C onstruct viable argum ents a n d critique the reasoning of others.
    MP 4: M odel w ith m athem atics.
    MP 6 : A ttend to precision.

On Yo u r Ow n
Luis prefers to hold the to u rn a m e n t in th e city w here th e residents are m ore likely to attend
baseball games. To gather data, h e surveys a ra n d o m sam ple of 10 residents of Oakville and
10 residents of Fairview.
Luis asks h ow m any sporting events each re sid e n t attends in a typical year. He also asks
each resident th e following question: "Do you prefer th e excitem ent an d strategy of a
baseball gam e to the experience of w atching o th er sports?” The responses for residents of
th e two cities are show n below.
Decide w hich city Luis should choose b a se d o n th e d ata in th ese tables, an d justify your
decision. Include a critique of Luis’s survey questions.

Oakville Residents' Survey Responses
r A
P c Dm\ F DO DD

Number of Events (^412154) ° 8 10 20^2 4
Prefer Baseball? yes yes yes no ; no I yes no yes no no
Fairview Residents' Survey Responses
H an
Number of Events^61115148813157 13
Prefer Baseball? no yes yes yes no no no yes
yes yes

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