Ch ap t er Test MathXL for School^
W Go to
Do y o u k n o w H OW?
o -3
- 2 0 - -1 1 2. -3
I i-H 1 CM
1 3_
1 2-1
0-2 3
-3 1 0
Tell whether each histogram is uniform, symmetric,
or skewed.
>s U
(^3) o-
Interval Interval
- Sports The 400-m race tim es (in seconds) for a track
team are listed below. Make a frequency table a n d a
histogram th at represent th eir times.
58 54 63 56 60 58 72 61 60 59 57 52 66 68 - Landscaping The h o u rs a gardener w orked over th e
p ast 14 weeks are listed below. W hat are th e m ean,
m edian, m ode, an d range of th e h o u rs th e g ardener
worked? Which measure of central tendency best
describes the data?
39 52 41 44 47 36 51 44 50 40 53 46 44 35 - Diving The weights of 8 scu b a divers, w ithout tanks,
are 85,103, 94, 9 7 , 88 , 91,104, a n d 95 kg. A tank
weighs 15 kg. W hat are the m ean, m edian, m ode,
and range of th e divers’ w eights w ith tanks?
Identify the m inim um , first quartile, m edian, third
quartile, and m aximum of each data set. Then make a
box-and-whisker plot o f each data set.
8. test scores: 87 52 91 66 79 56 73 90 78 51 83
- speeds (m i/h): 41 19 31 13 48 22 61 30 34 37
- Out of 10 dogs, 4 w eigh no m ore th a n 12.5 kg. W hat is
the percentile rank of th e w eight 12.5 kg? - Cafeteria A te a c h e r asks a s tu d en t chosen at
ra n d o m from each table in th e cafeteria for his or h er
o pinion of school food. Will this survey m eth o d give
a good sam ple? Explain. - Security S uppose a passw ord contains 4 lowercase
letters. How m any p erm u ta tio n s are possible if no
letters are repeated? - W hat is the value of 6 C3?
The spinner at the right is divided
into four equal sections. Find the
theoretical probability of landing
on the given section(s) of the spinner.
- P(orange)
- P(blue)
- P(not green)
- Suppose you choose a tile at ra n d o m from a bag
containing 5 X’s, 4 Y’s, a n d 3 Z’s. You replace the
first tile in th e bag a n d choose again. W hat is th e
probability of choosing 2 Y’s? - Suppose you choose a m arble at ra n d o m from a bag
containing 3 blue, 5 yellow, an d 7 red m arbles. You
choose a second m arble w ithout replacing th e first.
W hat is th e probability of choosing 2 blue m arbles?
- Reasoning Could a s tu d en t use th e form ula
P[A or B) = P(/l) + P(B) — P(A and B) to solve a
pro b lem a b o u t m utually exclusive events an d get the
correct answ er? Explain.
@ 20. Writing How do you calculate interquartile range?
How is this m easure useful?
@ 21. Open-Ended Give exam ples of univariate an d
bivariate data. How do th ese types of data differ? - Reasoning Is it possible for r to be greater th a n n in
wC r? E x p l a i n.
c Ch ap t er 12 Ch ap t er Test 791