Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ch ap t er Test MathXL for School^
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Do y o u k n o w H OW?
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Tell whether each histogram is uniform, symmetric,
or skewed.
>s U

(^3) o-
Interval Interval

  1. Sports The 400-m race tim es (in seconds) for a track
    team are listed below. Make a frequency table a n d a
    histogram th at represent th eir times.
    58 54 63 56 60 58 72 61 60 59 57 52 66 68

  2. Landscaping The h o u rs a gardener w orked over th e
    p ast 14 weeks are listed below. W hat are th e m ean,
    m edian, m ode, an d range of th e h o u rs th e g ardener
    worked? Which measure of central tendency best
    describes the data?
    39 52 41 44 47 36 51 44 50 40 53 46 44 35

  3. Diving The weights of 8 scu b a divers, w ithout tanks,
    are 85,103, 94, 9 7 , 88 , 91,104, a n d 95 kg. A tank
    weighs 15 kg. W hat are the m ean, m edian, m ode,
    and range of th e divers’ w eights w ith tanks?
    Identify the m inim um , first quartile, m edian, third
    quartile, and m aximum of each data set. Then make a
    box-and-whisker plot o f each data set.

8. test scores: 87 52 91 66 79 56 73 90 78 51 83

  1. speeds (m i/h): 41 19 31 13 48 22 61 30 34 37

  2. Out of 10 dogs, 4 w eigh no m ore th a n 12.5 kg. W hat is
    the percentile rank of th e w eight 12.5 kg?

  3. Cafeteria A te a c h e r asks a s tu d en t chosen at
    ra n d o m from each table in th e cafeteria for his or h er
    o pinion of school food. Will this survey m eth o d give
    a good sam ple? Explain.

  4. Security S uppose a passw ord contains 4 lowercase
    letters. How m any p erm u ta tio n s are possible if no
    letters are repeated?

  5. W hat is the value of 6 C3?

The spinner at the right is divided
into four equal sections. Find the
theoretical probability of landing
on the given section(s) of the spinner.

  1. P(orange)

  2. P(blue)

  3. P(not green)

  4. Suppose you choose a tile at ra n d o m from a bag
    containing 5 X’s, 4 Y’s, a n d 3 Z’s. You replace the
    first tile in th e bag a n d choose again. W hat is th e
    probability of choosing 2 Y’s?

  5. Suppose you choose a m arble at ra n d o m from a bag
    containing 3 blue, 5 yellow, an d 7 red m arbles. You
    choose a second m arble w ithout replacing th e first.
    W hat is th e probability of choosing 2 blue m arbles?


  1. Reasoning Could a s tu d en t use th e form ula
    P[A or B) = P(/l) + P(B) — P(A and B) to solve a
    pro b lem a b o u t m utually exclusive events an d get the
    correct answ er? Explain.
    @ 20. Writing How do you calculate interquartile range?
    How is this m easure useful?
    @ 21. Open-Ended Give exam ples of univariate an d
    bivariate data. How do th ese types of data differ?

  2. Reasoning Is it possible for r to be greater th a n n in
    wC r? E x p l a i n.

c Ch ap t er 12 Ch ap t er Test 791
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