Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Using Est imat ion
To m ake sure th e answ er to a problem is reasonable, you can estim ate before you
calculate. If the answ er is close to your estim ate, th e answ er is probably correct.

Ex a m p l e 1
Estimate to find whether each calculation is correct,
a. C alcu latio n E stim ate b. C alcu latio n
$126.91 = $130
$14.05 « $10
+ $25.14 * +$30


Estim ate
-2 3 0
$266.10 $170

I h e answ er is n o t close to the
estim ate. It is n o t reasonable.
The calculation is incorrect.

The answ er is close to the
estim ate. It is reasonable.
The calculation is correct.

For som e situations, like estim ating a grocery bill, you m ay n o t n e e d a n exact
answer. A front-end estimate will give you a good estim ate th a t is usually closer
to the exact answ er th a n an estim ate you w ould get by rou n d in g alone. Add the
front-end digits, estim ate th e sum of the rem aining digits by rounding, an d
th e n com bine sums.

Ex a m p l e 2
Tomatoes cost $3.54, squash costs $2.75, and lem on s cost $1.20. Estimate the
total cost of the produce.
Add the 3 .5 4 —* 0 .50 Estimate by rounding. Then add.
front-end digits. 2.75 —» 0 .8 0
+ 1.20 -> + 0.20
6 1 .50
Since 6 + 1.50 = 7.50, the total cost is ab o u t $7.50.

f —..................................

Ex e r c i se s
Estimate by rounding.

  1. th e sum of $15.70, $49.62, and $278.01 2. 563 - 125

  2. the sum of $163.90, $107.21, and $33.56 4. 824 - 467

Use front-end estim ation to find each sum or difference.

  1. $1.65 + $5.42 + $9.89 6. 1.369 + 7.421 + 2.700 7. 9.563 -

  2. 1.17 + 3.92 + 2.26 9. 8.611 - 1.584 10. $2.52 H


$3.04 + $5.25

  1. Ticket prices at an am u sem en t park cost $ 11.25 for adults an d $6.50 for
    children under 12. Estim ate th e cost for th ree children an d one adult.

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