Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Bar Gr ap h s

Bar graphs are used to display an d com pare data. The horizontal axis shows categories
and the vertical axis shows am ounts. A multiple b ar graph includes a key.

Ex a m p l e
Draw a bar graph for the data in the table below.
Median Household Income

3 person
Mason $62,690 $68,070 $77,014
Barstow $68,208 $82,160 $99,584
York $51,203 $58,902 $67,911
Rexford $52,878 $54,943 $63,945
Onham $54,715 $61,437 $69,260

The highest median income is $99,584.

  • A reasonable range for the vertical scale
    is $0 to $108,000.
    Median Household Income
    1 2 person ■ 3 person ■ 4 person

The categories (in th e first colum n) are p laced on the
horizontal scale. The am o u n ts (in the second, third,
an d fourth colum ns) are u sed to create th e scale
on th e vertical scale an d to draw each bar.

G raph th e d ata for each town. Use th e values in the
top row to create th e key.

Mason Barstow York Rexford Onham
To draw a bar on the graph, estimate
its height based on the vertical scale.

Ex e r c i se s

  1. Draw a b ar graph for th e d ata in th e table below.

Highest Temperatures (°F)

March June IB
Mason 61 86 83
Barstow 84 104 101
York 89 101 102
Rexford 88 92 93
Onham 81 1 0 4 100

  1. a. Reasoning If one m ore colum n of data w ere a d d e d to th e table in the
    example, how w ould th e b ar graph be different?
    b. If one m ore row of d ata w ere a d d e d to th e table in th e example, how w ould
    th e b ar graph be different?

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