Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Table 2 Read i n g M at h Sy m b o l s

Symbols Words

  • multiplication sign, times (X )
    = equals
    ? Are the statements equal?
    is approximately equal to
    is not equal to
    < is less than

    is greater than
    < is less than or equal to
    is greater than or equal to
    S is congruent to
    ± plus or minus
    ( ) parentheses for grouping
    [ ] brackets for grouping
    {} set braces
    % percent
    M absolute value of a
    and so on
    -a opposite of a
    7T pi, an irrational number,
    approximately equal to 3.14
    o degree(s)
    an nth power of a
    Vx nonnegative square
    root of x
    reciprocal of a
    a~n a # 0
    AS line through points A and B
    AB segment w ith endpoints
    A and B
    AB length of AB\ distance between
    points A and B

Symbols Words
LA angle A
mLA measure o f angle A
AABC triangle ABC
(x,y) ordered pair
xh x2... specific values of the
variable x
yi.y*-- specific values of the
X mean of data values of x
CT standard deviation
fix) f of x; the function
value at x
m slope of a line
b y-intercept of a line
3\b ratio of a to b
"1 3~
-2 4_


sin A sine of LA
cos A cosine of LA
tan A tangent of LA
n! n factorial
A permutations of n objects
arranged c a t a time
rfc-r combinations of n objects
chosen r at a time
P(event) probability of an event
A raised to a power (in a
spreadsheet formula)
multiply (in a spreadsheet
/ divide (in a spreadsheet


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