Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Dependent events (p. 778) When the outcome of one
event affects the probability of a second event, the events are
dependent events.

Sucesos depen d ien tes (p. 778) Dos sucesos son
dependientes si el resultado de un suceso afecta la
probabilidad del otro.
Example You have a bag with marbles of different
colors. If you pick a marble from the bag
and pick another without replacing the first,
the events are dependent events.


Dependent system (p. 365) A system of equations that
does not have a unique solution.

Sistema dependiente (p. 365) Sistema de ecuaciones que
no tiene una solucion unica.

Example , The system j f y = 2 x + 3^ + ^ _ & represents two
equations for the same line, so it has many
solutions. It is a dependent system.

Dependent variable (p. 240) A variable that provides the
output values of a function.

Variable dependiente (p. 240) Variable de la que
dependen los valores de salida de una funcion.
Example In the equation y = 3x, y is the
dependent variable.

Difference of squares (p. 525) A difference of two
squares is an expression of the form a2 - b2. It can be
factored as (a + b)(a - b).

Diferencia de dos cuadrados (p. 525) La diferencia de
dos cuadrados es una expresion de la forma a2 - b2. Se
puede factorizar como (a + b)(a - b).
Examples 25a2 - 4 = (5a + 2)(5a - 2)
m6 - 1 = (m3 + 1 )(m3 - 1)

Direct variation (p. 301) A linear function defined by an
equation of the form y = kx, where k + 0.

Variacion directa (p. 301) Una funcion lineal definida por
una ecuacion de la forma y = kx, donde k + 0 , representa
una variacion directa.
Example y = 18x is a direct variation.

Discrete graph (p. 255) A graph composed of isolated

Grafica discreta (p. 255) Una grafica discreta es
compuesta de puntos aislados.

Discriminant (p. 585) The discriminant of a quadratic
equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 is b2 - 4ac. The
value of the discriminant determines the number of solutions
of the equation.
Example The discriminant of

Discriminante (p. 585) El discri mi nante de una ecuaci on
cuadratica ax 2 + bx + c = 0 es b2 - 4ac. El valor del
discriminante determina el numero de soluciones de la

2x 2 + 9x- 2 = 0 is 97.


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