Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Disjoint sets (p. 215) Sets that do not have any elements Conjuntos ajenos (p. 215) Conjuntos que no tienen
in common. elementos en comun.
Example The set of positive integers and
the set of negative integers are
disjoint sets.

Distributive Property (p. 46) For every real number a, b, Propiedad Distributiva (p. 46) Para cada numero real a, b
and c: y c:
a(b + c) = ab + ac (b + c)a = ba + ca a(b + c) = ab + ac (b + c)a = ba + ca
a(b - c) = ab - ac (b - c)a = b a - ca a(b - c) = a b - ac ( b - c)a = ba - ca
Examples 3(19 + 4) = 3(19) + 3(4)
(19 + 4)3 = 19 (3)+ 4(3)
7(11 - 2 ) = 7(11) -7(2)
(11 - 2 ) 7 = 11(7 )-2 (7 )

Domain (of a relation or function) (p. 268) The possible Dominio (de una relacion o funcion) (p. 268) Posibles
values for the input of a relation or function. valores de entrada de una relacion o funcion.
Example In the function f(x) = x + 22, the
domain is all real numbers.

Element (of a m atrix) (p. 726) An item in a matrix. Elemento (de una m atriz) (p. 726) Componente de una


5 - 2
7 3
5, 7, -2 , and 3 are the four
elements of the matrix.

Elements (of a set) (p. 17) Members of a set. Elementos (p. 17) Partes integrantes de un conjunto.
Example Cats and dogs are elements of the
set of mammals.

Elimination method (p. 378) A method for solving a Eliminacion (p. 378) Metodo para resolver un sistema de
system of linear equations. You add or subtract the equations ecuaciones lineales. Se suman o se restan las ecuaciones para
to eliminate a variable. eliminar una variable.

Example 3x + y=19
2 x — y = 1
5x + 0 = 2 0 Add the equations to get x = 4.
Substitute 4 forx in
2(4) - y = 1 8 -y = 1 the second equation.

y = 7 —> Solve for y.

Empty set (p. 195) A set that does not contain any Conjunto vacio (p. 195) Conjunto que no contiene
elements. elementos.

Example The intersection of the set of
positive integers and the set of
negative integers is the empty set.
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