Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Parallel lines (p. 330) Two lines in the same plane that
never intersect. Parallel lines have the same slope.


Rectas paralelas (p. 330) Dos rectas situadas en el mismo
piano que nunca se cortan. Las rectas paralelas tienen la
misma pendiente.

Parent function (p. 308) A family of functions is a group
of functions with common characteristics. A parent function
is the simplest function with these characteristics.

Example y = x is the parent function for
the family of linear equations of
the form y= mx + b.

Funcion elem ental (p. 308) Una familia de funciones es
un grupo de funciones con caracteristicas en comun. La
funcion elemental es la funcion mas simple que reune esas

Percent change (p. 144) The ratio of the amount of
change to the original amount expressed as a percent.

Cambio porcentual (p. 144) La razon de la cantidad de
cambio y la cantidad original, expresada como un porcentaje.
Example The price of a sweater was $20.
The price increases $2. The percent
change is 10 %.

Percent decrease (p. 144) The percent change found Disminucion porcentual (p. 144) Cambio porcentual que
when the original amount decreases. se encuentra cuando la cantidad original disminuye.

Example The price of a sweater was $22.
The price decreases $2. The
percent change is ^ « 9%.


Percent error (p. 146) The ratio of the absolute value of
the difference of the measured (or estimated) value and an
actual value compared to the actual value, expressed as a

Error porcentual (p. 146) Razdn del valor absoluto de la
diferencia de un valor medido (o estimado) y un valor actual
en comparacidn con el valor actual, expresada como un

Example The diameter of a CD is measured
as 12.1 cm. The greatest possible
error is 0.05 cm. The percent error
12.1 0.4%.
Percentile (p. 749)
100 equal parts.

A value that separates a data set into Percentil (p. 749)
100 partes iguales.

Valor que separa el conjunto de datos en

Percentile rank (p. 749) The percentage of data values
that are less than or equal to a given value.

Rango percentil (p. 749) Porcentaje de valores de datos
que es menos o igual a un valor dado.

Percent increase (p. 144) The percent change found when
the original amount increases.

Aumento porcentual (p. 144) Cambio porcentual que se
encuentra cuando la cantidad original aumenta.


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