Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Simple interest (p. 139) Interest paid only on the principal. In teres sim ple (p. 139) Interes basado en el capital
Example The interest on $1000 at 6% for
5 years is $1000(0.06)5 = $300.

Simplify (p. 10) To replace an expression with its simplest
name or form.

Example 3 + 5

Simplificar (p. 10) Reemplazar una expresion por su
version o forma mas simple.

Sine (p. 645) In a right triangle, such as AABC, with
right AC,
sine of , „ length of side opposite AA = —f—,, ,. 'A AA. or sin >4 = 1.=
length of hypotenuse c

Seno (p. 645) En un triangulo rectangulo tal que AABC
con AC recto,
el seno de AA = — r—longitud del lado opuesto a — , o sen AA A ==
longitud de la hipotenusa
sin >A =

Slope (p. 295) The ratio of the vertical change to the
horizontal change.
vertical change y? ~ y i
sl°Pe = horizontal change = *2^*7' where *2 " *1 * 0

Pendiente (p. 295) La razon del cambio vertical al cambio
i: pendiente - cambio horizonta| - cambio vertical yx^Ty^2 ~.Ki , , donde x2 - x, # 0

1 y
(A, 2)

V (^04) x
_ .Ill
The slope of the line above is j =
Slope-intercept form (p. 308) The slope-intercept form of
a linear equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the
line and b is the y-intercept.
Example y=8x-2
Solution of an equation (one variable) (p. 54) Any value
or values that make an equation true.
Forma pendiente-intercepto (p. 308) La forma
pendiente-intercepto es la ecuacion lineal y = mx + b, en la
que m es la pendiente de la recta y b es el punto de
interseccion de esa recta con el eje y.
Solucion de una ecuacion (una variable) (p. 54)
Cualquier valor o valores que hagan verdadera una ecuacion.
Example 3 is the solution of the equation
4x — 1 =11.
Solution of an equation (tw o variables) (p. 61)
A solution of a two-variable equation with the variables
x and y is any ordered pair (x, y) that makes the equation
Solucion de una ecuacion (dos variables) (p. 61) La
solucion de una ecuacion con dos variables que tiene las
variables x e y es cualquier par ordenado que hace que la
ecuacion sea verdadera.
Example (4, 1) is one solution of the
equation x = 4y. | Gl o ssa r y 855

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